Mysterious Hacker J

"Oh my gosh, her speech was so cool."

"Right, didn't you see the faces of the directors and the other teachers turn black?"

"When I saw her in person today, she was not the same person mentioned in the post that got deleted."

After Zheng Qin and the other teachers left in a huff, the crowd suddenly became lively and discussions broke out.

When Song Yayin heard the praises for Lu Jinqi, she clenched her fists and her expression turned extremely ugly.

"Yayin, what's wrong? You don't look too well," Zhu Lanzhi had been paying attention to her friend and when she saw her ugly expression, she worriedly asked.

"Lanzhi, I'm not feeling well. Can you help me ask for leave from the class teacher? I think I'll leave now," Song Yayin's face was pale and she glanced at her shyly before speaking in a gentle tone.

"Okay, you should rest well."

At home, a maid did not have time to say anything when she saw the usually gentle and lovely young lady smash everything on the table with a ferocious look. She had never seen Song Yayin act out like this before. She was so nervous that no one dared to go up to her.

Zheng Shumin had just finished her skincare when she heard the sound of things creaking coming from downstairs.

She hurriedly went downstairs and encountered a mess. The culprit was still smashing things as she looked on with horror on her face.

"Yayin, what happened?" Zheng Shumin hurriedly went forward and grabbed her hand, asking with concern.

"Mom, did you know that Lu Jinqi transferred to Minsong?" After saying that, Song Yayin observed Zheng Shumin, not missing a single expression.

When Zheng Shumin heard that, she was first surprised, then she replied furiously, "What? She went to Minsong? When did that happen?"

Seeing Zheng Shumin like this, Song Yayin's mood improved. It seemed like she did not know either.

"Just yesterday. Didn't she tell you? If she didn't, then how did she get in?" Song Yayin furrowed her brows, her heart felt like it was about to flip over.

What exactly was going on?

Zheng Shumin thought of something and her expression changed. "When your father comes back, I'll ask."

Could it be that that the wretched girl had finally dared to fight back?

"Okay, then I'll go back to my room first."

Back at the hotel, Lu Jinqi threw herself onto the bed, preparing to catch up on her sleep.

Just as she closed her eyes, her phone rang.

There was no expression on her delicate face. The coldness in her eyes seemed to overflow as she picked up her phone in annoyance.

Seeing that the caller was White Dragon, the coldness in her eyes still did not dissipate. She put on the voice changer and answered, "Yes?"

White Dragon clearly did not notice Lu Jinqi's indifference. He said in a rough voice, "Hey, do you want to take on a job?"

His voice made Lu Jinqi's ears buzz.

"No." Lu Jinqi's eyelids fluttered as sleepiness swept over her. At that moment, she only wanted to catch up on her sleep, so she quickly rejected his proposal.

The smile on White Dragon's face instantly dropped. He could not help but scratch his head. "No? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm hanging up," she said before preparing to hang up.

White Dragon panicked. "Don't, the reward is 50 million."

Lu Jinqi sneered. She knew that she loved money.

"What's on the list?"

When White Dragon heard this, he knew that he had a chance to reel her in. As expected, Netherworld was not wrong. J loved money.

"Help me rob the goods," White Dragon asked as he told Lu Jinqi about the goods.

Lu Jinqi was a little surprised. She did not expect White Dragon to be an arms dealer.

'It seems like the other people aren't weak, I guess I'm the only one who's pitiful.'

"Why? You can't handle it yourself," Lu Jinqi said in a flat voice.

"The other party has a hacker as well. His knowledge is on par with mine, so I need you to intercept him."

"Alright, when?"

White Dragon thought for a moment and said, "Nine at night, we'll be robbing the goods. Destroy the location of the goods and stop the other party."

After hanging up, Lu Jinqi looked at the time. It was just the right time to catch up on her sleep before the heist.

At night, the stars were twinkling, and a sliver of moonlight shone through the window.

Lu Jinqi was wearing a bathrobe as she sat on the sofa. Her delicate face was flushed from the shower, and her eyes were moist. She was ready.

At nine at night, Lu Jinqi turned on the computer and hacked into White Dragon's computer.

She locked onto the goods and was about to delete them when she saw that someone was attacking her computer.

Lu Jinqi's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Interesting." After saying that, her fingers worked at a steady pace. She did not panic at all.

First, she counterattacked the other party's computer. After she was done, she destroyed the goods' location and casually erased White Dragon's location.

After a series of coding, everything else went smoothly.


"Master Jing, our goods have been intercepted," a man in his twenties spoke embarrassedly as he stared at the computer in front of him with a defeated expression.

Si Jingyun raised his eyebrows and nodded indifferently. His eyes were as calm as stillwater, as if the goods that had been robbed were not his.

On the other hand, Qi Ye and Xie Lingchuan were staring blankly at the side. Such a large quantity of goods had been intercepted by someone just like that.

"It can't be White Dragon, right?"

"It's not him." Si Jingyun sat on the sofa lazily. His slender fingers fiddled with a silver lighter. The light from the fire flickered, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

"Who is it then? Netherworld and the others are all of similar level." Xie Lingchuan did not finish his sentence, but his meaning was self-evident.

The man nodded. He thought about the news he had heard recently and replied in a low voice, "That person should be J."


Qi Ye and Xie Lingchuan looked at each other. When did such a big shot appear?

"Qi Ye, be more specific."

Qi Ye looked at Si Jingyun before speaking. There was a hint of admiration in his tone. "This J person recently appeared. It's said that none of the cases J handled failed. This person is very mysterious. No one knows J's exact location. If it weren't for those cases, many people would think that this person doesn't exist," Qi Ye raised both of his hands in defeat, "so therefore J's really powerful."

"Qiao Ye, think of a way to find this person." Si Jingyun put down his lighter and narrowed his eyes. His voice was deep and alluring.

The higher-ups were planning to set up an intelligence team. Now, they had a candidate.

"Will do, "Qiao Ye nodded respectfully.

At the M nation border, White Dragon's eyes lit up as he looked at the results. As expected of the Si family. They were rich and powerful, and their goods were different from the others.

After taking a photo, he sent it to Lu Jinqi.

[Brother, thank you, I've transferred the money to your account.]

Soon, the other party replied. 

[Got it.]

Staring at the reply, White Dragon sighed at the goods happily. It was fated, he thanked J for their love of money.

He never thought that there would be someone who loved money more than him. The downside was that he had to give the money to the other party.

This was as uncomfortable as digging out a piece of his heart.

However, with this batch of goods, more money would soon be in his hands.

At the thought of this, White Dragon became excited again and ordered his subordinates to put the goods away. It was as though his sadness had disappeared.

When his subordinates saw him like this, they could not bear to look at him. 

Could such a boss be replaced?