But I Want to be Trash

Lu Jinqi watched as the man said this without batting an eyelid. She placed the bowl on the table and pushed him away.

"I didn't expect you to not only be good looking and kind, but also this lazy in feeding yourself."

Si Jingyun leaned against the table with a smile on his face.

"Should I take it as a compliment? Or is there more?" He then added concisely, "You're good looking too, for your information."

Lu Jinqi was stunned and looked at him in surprise. Her eyes expressed many emotions and she did not know what to say. Si Jingyun covered her eyes and spoke slowly.

"Jinny, it's against the rules to look at me like that."

Every time he spoke like that, his last syllable drawled out like he planned on seducing someone.

It could not be any more coquettish.

MinSong, Class One.

"Yayin, did you know that something happened to Class Six yesterday?" Early in the morning, Zhu Lanzhi walked up to Song Yayin and immediately gossiped about what she heard yesterday.

Song Yayin looked at her excitedly. 'Could it be related to Lu Jinqi?'

Sure enough, in the next second, Zhu Lanzhi could not hold it in any longer and shared everything she knew. "I heard that Lu Jinqi was late yesterday and rebelled against the teacher in front of everyone. He was so angry that the physics teacher in his class slammed the door and left."

Such a thing actually happened?

Song Yayin suppressed the excitement in her heart, but her expression did not change.

"Jinqi wouldn't be like this."

Zhu Lanzhi looked at her helplessly. She did not understand why she still trusted Lu Jinqi, even till now.

"Yayin, why do you have so much faith in her? Has Lu Jinqi ever treated you well?" Zhu Lanzhi could not go on like this, so she asked bluntly.

Song Yayin's petite face froze, and her brown eyes dimmed. "Jinqi is still mad at me. I don't care, I really don't care."

As if to prove that she was fine, she emphasized it once more.

However, when Zhu Lanzhi heard this, she secretly thought, 'I definitely won't let Lu Jinqi off the hook for treating you like this.'

Song Yayin had been observing her friend's expression the entire time. When she saw the fierce expression on her face, she lowered her head and pursed her lips into a smile.

Class Six.

Lu Jinqi walked into the classroom empty-handed, attracting everyone's attention.

"D*mn, Jinqi isn't even wearing her school uniform."

"Qiqi, are you feeling better?"

Xie Shuyao cupped her chin and asked with concern.

"Yeah." Lu Jinqi nodded and sat lazily in her seat.

She crossed her legs, took out a candy from her pocket, put it in her mouth, and played a game on her phone.

This went on for quite a while.

"Jinqi, let's play together. I'm a great hunter, I can carry us to victory." After Xiao Yao said this, he could not wait to take out his phone.

The two people in the front row did not want to be left behind, so they said in unison, "Me too, me too."

Lu Jinqi raised her eyebrows, a smile appearing as she looked at the few of them.

Alright, a four player stack.

Just a minute after the game started, Xie Shuyao, who was in front, shouted, "Ahhhhh, someone hit me, Qiqi, come and save me."

Lu Jinqi unhurriedly picked up a gun and shot the other person, successfully killing him. However, this was only the beginning.

The next moment, the people in the classroom heard three screams, one after another, as though they were in a real war.

"JInqi, come quickly. There's a team of people near me. I need your help."

"Xiao Yao, can a man like you have some dignity? Qiqi, ignore him. Come to my place quickly. I feel like there are people around me, I don't think I can get out."

"F*ck, Xie Shuyao, this isn't like you."

"Both of you, be quiet. Jinqi came to my place instead, I want to grab the air drop loot."

"Fatty, get lost," Xie Shuyao and Xiao Yao cursed at the same time.

After one game, the three of them continuously called for help. Lu Jinqi was either on the way to save them or on the way to kill them, she had not decided.

In the end, the big shot brought three noobs and successfully had a winner winner chicken dinner.

The three of them looked at the title Lucky on their phone screen and smiled bitterly.

The big shot that carried them had such a menacing force in the came, of course they were lucky.

"You barely had six kills," Lu Jinqi looked to the side with a faint smile.

Xiao Yao could not help but be taken aback. "It's a one time thing. I'm usually very good at playing."

"Oh, is that so?" Lu Jinqi looked at him meaningfully, her finger tapped on the screen as proof.

Xiao Yao glanced at her movements. When he saw the results on his game page, he snatched the phone away.

He smiled awkwardly but politely.

"It's time for class, let's play again next time."

The two people in the front row looked at him with a look of admiration. He dared to snatch the big shot's phone. His courage was commendable.

Lu Jinqi rested her head on her hand and said lazily, "Give me the phone."

Xiao Yao looked at the phone in his hand and realized that he had snatched her phone out of excitement. He shakily handed it over.

"Jinqi, let's talk it out. If you don't look at my results, we can still be friendly deskmates."

Lu Jinqi nodded and unhurriedly said, "Don't worry, having no wins is still counted as a result as well."

The two people in the front row who were eavesdropping laughed out loud.

Sister Qi's words pierced him straight through his heart and Xiao Yao could not think of any other way to retort her back,



"Students, get ready for class," Bai Luoyan said in a gentle voice.

The girls in the classroom blushed when they saw the teacher appear.

"Who's this?" Lu Jinqi glanced up and said casually.

"The new physics teacher."

Hearing this, Lu Jinqi put on her headphones and started another game.

The moment Bai Luoyan entered the classroom, he saw a girl with delicate features. With just one glance, he retracted his gaze and focused on the lesson plan for the class.

He wrote a question on the blackboard and looked down. "Next, I'd like to invite a student to come up to solve the problem. Does anyone want to volunteer?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone lowered their heads, wishing they could dig a hole and hide.

Bai Luoyan could not help but smile when this common scene appeared. Was answering a question really that daunting?

He glanced around and saw a girl lazily playing with her phone.

"Lu Jinqi, how about you give it a try?"

All of a sudden, everyone turned to look.

"Jinqi, the teacher is calling you!" Xiao Yao pulled down her earpiece and said softly.

Lu Jinqi looked up. "What's up?"

Bai Luoyan smiled. "Come up and answer the questions."

Lu Jinqi looked at the questions on the board and fell silent.

The questions were all so simple nowadays.

"I don't know how."

After saying that, she was about to put on her earpiece back.

Bai Luoyan did not get angry. His voice stayed calm throughout the lesson. "I heard that you told your classmates yesterday that only those who work hard survive. You should lead by example."

Lu Jinqi raised her eyebrows, her eyes filled with maliciousness.

Her red lips curved slightly, and her voice was casual and lazy.

"But I just want to be a good-for-nothing trash, waiting to die."

Her words rendered Bai Luoyan speechless.

After calming himself down, he persevered yet again, "I'm afraid you're wrong with that."

Unexpectedly, Lu Jinqi held her chin and said with interest, "Then what do you think is the right anser, teacher?"

Bai Luoyan perked up and cleared his throat. "Of course, it's to study hard and get into the best university."

When Lu Jinqi heard this, a hint of a sparkling glint flashed across her eyes.

"I'm sorry, a person like me who only wants to be a good-for-nothing trash can only inherit trash," Lu Jinqi said nonsense with a straight face.

After she finished speaking, faint laughter could be heard from the whole class. With a glance, almost everyone's shoulders were trembling, keeping themselves from laughing too loudly.

Jinqi even dared to say where she would get the inheritance from.

Bai Luoyan was speechless. He did not expect this student to be this unconventional.

He could only give up and solve the problem himself. Otherwise, if this continued on, the entire class would be over.