Major Absenteeism

[Life of an Overseas Student: Today, I was shopping on the streets of M country when I suddenly realized that the big advertising screen here had changed. When I saw the content on it, I wanted to give this J person a huge shoutout.]

There was a video attached below. The content inside was clearly visible.

A M.K. logo placed with a single picture. It was the information of M Nation's research institute that had been deleted. The most exciting part was the following paragraph.

"This is just a warning. You can try again and see what will happen next time."

At the end, an arrogant and sloppy signed J appeared.

At this time, the comment section of this Weibo post had overflowed.

[Hacker J is amazing! From today onward, the only person I worship is hacker J.]

[Why do I feel like J god's words sound like a real threat? I feel like if they do it again, J god would really delete all their information.]

[Hahaha, you're right dude. J god would definitely destroy them.]

[F*ck, M Nation is too shameless. They actually want to steal our country's information. Disgusting.]

When this comment was posted, a bunch of people agreed with it.

Just as everyone was excited to leave a comment, a few other comments popped up. Their words were infuriating.

[All of you are so surfaced, it's not very good for this J person to delete other people's information. After all, they must've worked hard to research all of that.]

[That's right. Besides, since no one has accepted the job, why does J need to hack into other people's research institutes?]

[Our research institute hasn't suffered any losses. Is there a need to go that far? It's simply ruining the good impression of M.K. man!]

Seeing these confused remarks, everyone could not help being convinced. Why was there such a person in the country?

[F*ck you and your snowflake attitude. If you're so distressed, then you might as well scram to research institute M and help them out.]

[Our research institute actually raised these traitors. How sad.]

[These keyboard warriors should just die. What do you mean the research institute M lost out on a lot? Have you thought about the consequences of someone else that did it except J god?]

This matter blew up on the internet. A group of people were cursing left and right, defending or going against J.

It quickly attracted the attention of the higher-ups of Z country. When they saw the whole story, they could not help but feel a chill down their backs.

The citizens were right about one thing. Once the research data gets leaked, it would lead to a great loss.

Thinking of this, one of them personally gave the research institute a call. No matter what, their own data must not be leaked.

On the other side, the head of the physics research institute, Zhang Ziqing, received a call and his face turned solemn. He rushed to the research room and picked it up.

"Quickly print out all the information and delete the computer manuscript."

The people in the research lab were all confused and could not help but ask, "Director, what's wrong?"

Zhang Ziqing received the update of what happened. After hearing it, everyone started to take action. Everyone scrambled to delete as much data as they could, while retaining it in the form of physical copies. Suddenly, the computer screen in the lab darkened and a paragraph appeared on it.

"The research institute's firewall and data have all been reinforced. Please rest assured, Researcher J."

Everyone stared at the computer in a daze. They all had the same thought, 'I'm so glad that she's from our country.'

"So does that mean that we still need to do all of this?" A young man broke the silence.

Zhang Ziqing thought for a moment and decided to do as he was ordered to. He said, "Let's continue. Regarding the firewall, I'll ask the higher-ups to find someone to test it out first."

After saying that, he quickly went out to make a phone call and told them everything that had just happened.

The other party was silent for a moment before saying in a deep voice, "I understand. I'll get someone to go over."

In the classroom, the chemistry teacher saw the only empty seat in the classroom and he snorted.

The class began.

Wen Yu turned his head and kept glancing at the podium from the corner of his eyes. He said in a low voice, "Xiao Yao, Jinqi skipped class again."

Xiao Yao turned his head and said casually, "It's her first time, what's the big deal?"

Wen Yu remained silent.

Of course, he knew that it was not the first time, but the old chemistry teacher's eyes were about to spit fire. He was worried.

After class, the chemistry teacher returned to the office with a sour expression.

Seeing that Cheng Xin was there, he could not help but complain.

"Teacher Cheng, does Lu Jinqi from your class have a problem with me?"

Cheng Xin looked at him in surprise, her tone full of doubt. "How can that be? Did something happen?"

"Then why didn't she come to my class the moment it started? The empty seats in the classroom are always hers."

When the chemistry teacher spoke with spite, she was a little resentful. This little girl was so delicate, how dare they speak of her so badly!

Cheng Xin heard it and slowly frowned.

"I'll call her and ask. Don't worry, I'm sure it wasn't to spite you."

Cheng Xin comforted her coworker and left to make a call.

On the other side, Lu Jinqi had just tidied up and was about to go to bed when her phone started ringing.

She picked up and said faintly, "Hello."

"Lu Jinqi, why didn't you come to class today?"Cheng Xin's voice was always gentle and full of care. Even though she felt helpless and angry, she did not want Jinqi to feel bad. So she remained calm when she spoke.

Lu Jinqi lay on the bed, one hand in front of her eyes, sleepy and exhausted.

"I had something to do, I'll come in the afternoon," she said in a casual manner.

The corners of Cheng Xin's mouth twitched. 'Was this what a student should say? If you had something to do, you should have just asked for leave.'

"After you come to school in the afternoon, come to my office."

Lu Jinqi agreed in a low voice.

In the afternoon, Lu Jinqi lazily appeared at the office door in her school uniform.

Her fair fingers knocked on the door and she said very politely, "Teacher Cheng."

Cheng Xin was grading her homework when she heard the voice. When she raised her head, she saw the girl standing there obediently with a relaxed look on her face.

Instantly, a smile appeared in her eyes. It was the first time she had seen her this well-behaved.

"Come in."

Lu Jinqi sat quietly by the side. Looking at the person who had lowered her head to work ever since she came in, the corners of her lips curved upwards.

"Teacher Cheng, you called me here to watch you grade our homework?"

Hearing this, Cheng Xin put down her pen, turned her head and stared at her sternly. She spoke in a serious tone.

"You're now in your third year of high school. It's the most important period of your life. The chemistry teacher told me that you didn't come to his class today. What's going on?"

Lu Jinqi raised her eyebrows. This was really unexpected.

"Nothing, it was just a coincidence."

Cheng Xin looked at the girl in front of her and could not help but sigh. "Jinqi, you already took a year off from school, your foundation won't be as strong as the others if you keep this up. You should work harder, do you understand!"

When Lu Jinqi heard this, the ends of her eyes twitched. Cheng Xin was still young, yet she spoke as if she knew about the universe.

Seeing how concerned she was, Lu Jinqi thought for a while. There would be no harm in listening to her teacher's request once in a while.

"Okay, I'll work harder." Lu Jinqi nodded.

Seeing her like this, Cheng Xin smiled in satisfaction and patted her shoulder. "Okay, let's go back to the classroom."

When Lu Jinqi returned to the classroom, she took out her textbook, scaring Xiao Yao and the others.

"D*mn Jinqi, what're you doing?"

Lu Jinqi spun her pen and said lazily, "Studying hard."

What was that?

Xiao Yao felt that there was something wrong with his ears, so he scratched it. Otherwise, why would he hear a person who either slept or played games in class everyday said that she was studying hard?!