Pitiful J

Kuang Jin did not expect things to turn out this way. He could only stare blankly at Lu Jinqi's back as she left.

"Look at you. You can't even do such a simple thing, and you even offended someone." The man looked at him with disappointment, his voice was filled with resentment.

When Kuang Jin heard this, he lowered his head, as though he had been taught a lesson.

After a long while, he muttered to himself, "Who would have thought that White Deer would have such a bad temper?"

The man's eyes widened when he heard his son mumbling. "What are you mumbling about?"

"Nothing…" Kuang Jin quickly shook his head. "So, what should we do next?"

Kuang Hengdong frowned and thought for a while. "Go and contact other chinese medicine experts and see what they have to say."

Since they were both chinese medicine experts, they should be able to do anything.

Hearing his words, Kuang Jin's eyes lit up. 'That's right! I can find someone else, why didn't I think of that?'

"I'll get going."

Lu Jinqi walked out of the Kuang family's residence with a heavy heart. Her gestures were filled with hostility, and her face was cold.

At that moment, the phone in her pocket vibrated, and she took it out to take a look at what the messenger sent.

[What's the situation like?]

Lu Jinqi's slender fingers tapped a few times on the screen before turning it off.

[I rejected it.]

When Netherworld saw the message on his phone, she was a little stunned. Why did she reject it?

However, based on J's personality, it was most likely a problem with the person who placed the order.

With that thought, he could not suppress his curiosity and made a call.

When she saw the phone ring, Lu Jinqi was noy surprised at all, as though she had expected it.

Just as the call connected, an excited voice came from the other end. "J, Quick, tell me, what happened?"

He had not expected J to know medical skills. If it was not for the fact that she was already an amazing hacker, he probably would not have doubted it.

Only when he asked and received an affirmative answer did he realize that he had guessed wrongly.

He was very happy about this discovery. Out of the few of them, he was the only one who knew this secret. It was simply too satisfying, making him want to know more.

Lu Jinqi casually hailed a cab and leaned against the back of a chair. With one hand lightly clutching onto the phone, she said calmly, "It's nothing. They prefer western medicine compared to chinese medicine."

Hearing this, Netherworld knew that things were more complicated than he thought now. Then, he imagined how the scene unfolded and could not help but feel pity for Lu Jinqi.

"That's a pity."

Lu Jinqi was shocked by this sentence. Without even thinking, she knew that Netherworld had imagined what happened. After all, this was not the first time it happened to chinese doctors.

"Speak up," Lu Jinqi said coldly.

Alright, sensing the danger in her tone, Netherworld instantly returned to normal.

"So, you're really going to reject it?"

She had checked the identity of the person who placed the order. He was the grandson of the president of the Z country's Calligraphy Association. He had a rich background, so why was he that brainless?

Lu Jinqi's eyes were cold as she looked at the scenery outside the window. She said nonchalantly, "It depends on what they choose."

Netherworld immediately recognized the tone of her voice. "You mean they might look for other chinese medicine practitioners?"

Lu Jinqi hummed in agreement. "I rejected them today. It's normal for them to look for other people."

"That's right, so you'll still be in charge of this matter either way," Netherworld said with certainty.

After all, J was the person who had hacked into someone else's research institute. Now that the other party was the president of an association, he would not just ignore this matter.

Lu Jinqi suddenly thought of the old man from her previous life. He seemed to be around the same age as the old man from the Kuang family. "We'll talk about it when the time comes."

"Alright then, I have someone to do. I'm hanging up." Immediately after, she hung up.

When she arrived at the hotel she booked, Lu Jinqi threw herself onto the bed the moment she entered the room.

In Banyan City.

Zhu Lanzhi, who had been observing them from the start, led a group of thugs to guard the place Lu Jinqi passed by every time.

As time ticked by and the person they were waiting for had yet to arrive, the girl started to get impatient.

"I say, Zhu Lanzhi, is your route accurate?"

Zhu Lanzhi glared at her fiercely. "Absolutely."

She had been following her on this route for the past few days, there was no mistake about it.

She was sure that she had the talent in tailing people, but in reality, Lu Jinqi already knew about it. She just wanted to see what Zhu Lazhi was going to do.

"Then why hasn't she come here?"

"That's right, you have to know that our time is very precious," the boy added.

Hearing this, Zhu Lanzhi's expression twisted. After all, it was just a matter of money.

"I'll double the cash."

The few of them received a satisfactory answer and finally quieted down. In the end, they waited for a day and a night. The group of people shivered with the autumn wind when they decided to call it off.

The next day, Zhu Lanzhi appeared in Class One with two giant panda eyes and yawned.

Song Yayin looked up and saw that she was not in good spirits. Her delicate eyes were filled with worry.

"What happened to you? Didn't you sleep well last night?"

When she mentioned this, Zhu Lanzhi's eyes almost dropped out of her eye sockets. Thinking of what happened last night, she could not help but kick the closest thing to her, a chair.

A crisp bang sound rang in the classroom, attracting everyone's attention.

"What are you looking at?" Zhu Lanzhi roared with a ferocious expression.

Being yelled at like that, everyone was stunned at first, but when they realized who it was, the classroom exploded.

"Are you crazy?"

"This is a school, not your home. If you want to lose your temper, go back to your own home."

For a moment, Zhu Lanzhi was ridiculed by everyone. She immediately panicked and grabbed the sleeves of someone close to her, not knowing what to do.

Sensing the movement on her body, Song Yayin's eyes flashed with impatience. She did not expect Zhu Lanzhi to be like this in the classroom, and now she had to save herself from this situation.

Song Yayin's face was filled with gentleness. She looked at everyone with her watery eyes and smiled apologetically. "Lanzhi did not sleep well yesterday, that's why she's like this. It wasn't intentional."

After saying that, she looked at Zhu Lanzhi with her.

Zhu Lanzhi caught her gaze and reacted. She said awkwardly, "Yes, that's right, I didn't do it on purpose."

Seeing Song Yanyin come out to defend her friend, everyone pursed their lips and averted their gazes.

They did not know why she would be friends with such a person.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Yanyin pulled her out of the door. Her face darkened as she asked angrily.

"It's about Lu Jinqi..." Zhu Lanzhi instinctively opened her mouth when she was questioned by her. However, she realized that she had let the cat out of the bag and dared not to finish her sentence.

Lu Jinqi again?

Song Yayin's eyes darkened. "What's wrong with her?"

"I only found out today that she took a week's leave," Zhu Lanzhi said.

Spending so much money to hire those people was a waste.

"Leave of absence? Why?" Song Yayin's voice was filled with surprise.

She had actually taken a leave of absence for a week. She had never done such a thing in Defeng before. It seemed like she had changed. She was still a good-for-nothing at heart.

"I don't know why." Zhu Lanzhi shook her head.

Kuang Hengdong and his son anxiously stared at the best chinese medicine specialist in the research institute and asked, "What's the situation like?"

The specialist sighed. "I'm sorry, I can't help you with this problem, Mr Kuang."

"Why can't you? Someone said they could earlier," Kuang Jin raised his voice and spoke quickly.

The specialist was stunned when he heard that. In the end, there was always someone better than him. Perhaps someone had better chinese medicine skills than him.

"Then you two can look for that person instead of me."

After saying that, the two of them froze. Another person had been driven away by his careless son. 

What now!

"Mr Kuang, know that you can't drag this out any longer." The expert looked at them doubtfully and reminded them.

Hearing this, Kuang Hengdong said decisively, "Kuang Jin, go and find White Deer right away."