Si Jingyun the Beast

Si Jingyun could not help but smile. "I picked you up at a hotel."

Lu Jinqi understood what he meant and smiled, raising the ends of her pretty eyes upward.

Qi Ye still had food in his mouth, but he suddenly found it hard to swallow it down. It was too early in the morning for something like this to happen. He could not take it any longer.

Lu Jinqi glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. With a playful look in her eyes, she slowly picked up a tissue and wiped the corner of her mouth.

She said calmly, "Qi Ye, did you eat something disgusting? What's up with your face?"

Qi Ye was stunned at first, but after he realized what she meant, he spat out the food in his mouth and cursed loudly.

"Lu Jinqi I swear to fuc-"

Seeing this, one of Si Jingyun's eyebrow was raised toward Qi ye, as if challenging him to continue. However, Lu Jinqi's eyes twitched slightly. With a lazy expression, she nonchalantly stood up, "You can raise your voice all you want. I don't care."

Qi Ye resisted the urge to curse and looked at the other person. "Master Jing, aren't you going to interfere?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the child in distaste.

Si Jingyun glanced at him, his slender fingers tapping on the table as he said lazily, "Why should I? And why aren't you leaving yet?"

Qi Ye stood up, clutching his chest as he took a step back. "You're really kicking me out?"

Who would have thought that Si Jingyun would nod his head without any hesitation.

"Stop being a drama queen." At that moment, Lu Jinqi's mood lifted, a small curve appeared on her face as she stifled a laugh.

"Jinny, I've got some business to attend to, I'll be right back," Si Jingyun said to the girl on the sofa after changing into a new set of clothes.

Hearing the voice, Lu Jinqi raised her eyes and moved her fingers.

The man was in an expensive suit. His long legs were tightly wrapped around the pants, and he looked as charming as ever.

At that moment, his eyes were filled with adoration towards the little child, but his entire body was filled with indifference.

When Si Jingyun felt that the girl was staring for too long, the corners of his lips curled up into a casual smile.

"Jinny, restrain yourself."

Hearing this, Lu Jinqi cupped her chin and looked at him with a smile.

"Brother, were you reporting your schedule to me just now?"

Si Jingyun walked over slowly and bent down. "If you think that's what I did, then it shall be."

The man's tone was neither fast nor slow, and his languid voice tickled her eardrums. He was so close that she could even feel his breath on her skin.

When he saw that the girl's ears were completely red, Si Jingyun carelessly pinched her earlobe and smirked.

Lu Jinqi felt as though she was enveloped by his breath, and the pinch on her ears made her heart tremble. After calming down, she curved her lips.

"Leave so you can come back quicker!"

Si Jingyun nodded, his deep voice could not help but chuckle. "I won't make you wait that long."

Lu Jinqi looked at his back as he left. Feeling the throbbing in her heart, she placed her hand on her forehead and smiled.

This time, trouble was brewing.

Si family's residence.

When the butler saw a familiar car drive in, he immediately smiled and turned to speak to the old man on the sofa.

"Sir, Master Jing is back."

The old man adjusted his glasses and focused on reading the newspaper. His voice was calm. "What's so strange about that brat coming back? Wouldn't he just leave as soon as he can later?"

Si Jingyun heard the old man's words as soon as he entered the room and smiled helplessly.

"You seem to be in good spirits."

Hearing the voice, the old man put down the newspaper in his hand and snorted coldly.

"I'm definitely in good spirits without you pissing me off."

Hearing this, Si Jingyun raised his eyebrows. "Is that so? Then why do I get a call from someone every day asking to come back?"

The old man was momentarily at a loss for words. He glared at Si Jingyun while stroking his beard.

Seeing this, Si Jingyun walked over and sat down. He slowly poured a glass of water and handed it over.

"Hello, Grandfather."

The old man looked at him, took the glass and took a sip. He suddenly thought of something and spoke up.

"I heard that you brought a little girl back."

Needless to say, Yena must have told him this.

"Indeed," Si Jingyun replied with a smile.

Hearing that he did not deny it, the old man put down the cup and excitedly asked for more.

"Where is the little girl from? How is your development going? When are you going to bring her back to meet the family?"

After a series of questions, Si Jingyun looked helpless. He knew that this was going to happen.

"Grandfather, she's not an adult yet."

As he finished speaking, the old man scolded in a deep voice, "You beast. Although I want a granddaughter-in-law, you can't abduct someone else's underage child!"

Si Jingyun's eyebrows jumped and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. His eyes stared at him in shock.

Being stared at like this, the old man felt that his reaction might have been too much. "Well, does that little girl like you?"

"Grandfather, this is between me and her. Please, try not to interfere." Si Jingyun's tone was cold when he spoke.

A hint of relief flashed in the old man's eyes. It seemed that this kid was being serious. With a granddaughter-in-law, a great-grandson would not be far away.

With this thought in mind, he mumbled, "Who cares about your st*pid business? I've already taught you countless times to never bully a girl."

Si Jingyun heard him and chuckled.

Jinny's temper was definitely not one to be trifled with.

In the afternoon, Si Jingyun brought Lu Jinqi to a club.

Looking at the facilities in front of her, Lu Jinqi turned her head. "Do you usually bring girls to these places?"

Si Jingyun curled his lips and casually sized her up. "Are you jealous?"

Lu Jinqi stared at him for a few seconds before averting her gaze.

"No, I'm not an overthinker like you."

Seeing her like this, Si Jingyun turned her body and half leaned in, his deep eyes looking at her seriously as though he wanted to say something. Then, she heard the man's pleasant voice, it was gentle and seductive, "I've only ever brought one person, and that's you."

Lu Jinqi turned her head unnaturally and replied with a low shrug.

At that moment, a few people suddenly appeared from behind. When they saw the familiar man in front of them, their eyes widened.

'If I'm not wrong, there's a girl beside Master Jing. They seem quite intimate.'

"Master Jing, I didn't know you were bringing a child along?" A boy looked at the two of them and asked.

Si Jingyun was not surprised to see them. When he heard that question, the corners of his lips curled up. "She's with me."

Hearing this, the few of them understood what he meant and looked at Lu Jinqi curiously.

When they looked at her, everyone sucked in a breath.

The girl's eyes were beautiful, and there was not a single blemish on her beautiful face. The corners of her lips curled up in a casual arc.

She stood there, bright and proud.

The boy who spoke first scratched his head. "Haha... Master Jing... Your child… She's very…"

As he spoke, he could not help but glance at her again. Did she successfully capture Master Jing's heart?

Si Jingyun glanced at them coldly, and the few of them instantly averted their gazes.

"Since we're all here, why not go in together?" Someone suggested.

"Go where?" A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Lu Jinqi looked up and saw Qi Ye walking in.

Lu Jinqi raised her eyebrows slightly. "You're everywhere."

Qi Ye put his hands in his pockets and chuckled.

"Wherever there's fun, there's me. But why are you guys here?" As he spoke, his eyes darted around. "Was this supposed to be a date?"