Angry Jingyun, Troubled Gu Family

Si Jingyun looked at her, the emotions in his eyes surging. In the end, he calmed down and said in a low voice. "Jinny, are you hurt?"

Lu Jinqi curtly said, "I'm fine."

When the middle-aged woman heard him call her so intimately, she became anxious.

Even though the Gu family had collaborated with the higher-ups, they could not be compared to the Si family at all. If Master Jing were to pursue this matter, the consequences would not be something she could bear.

At the thought of this, the woman's entire body quivered and she opened her mouth in a panic. "Master Jing, this is all a misunderstanding."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chi Yan crossed his arms and gloated over her misfortune. There was a hint of coldness in his tone when he spoke. "Mrs. Gu did not say that it was a misunderstanding. She wanted all this to be on record. Let me think, what else did she say..."

As he said this, he even rubbed his chin as if it was a matter of fact and then dragged out his voice. "You even wanted her to be locked up."

Then, laughter rang out one after another. Everyone was really relieved to see this scene.

Si Jingyun suddenly chuckled and said in a deep voice, "Leave a record and send her to jail? Who do you think you are?"

The man's eyes were undoubtedly fierce, and his whole demeanor was terrifying.

Chief Liu felt a chill behind his back and quickly said, "Don't worry, Master Jing, that's all she said."

The middle-aged woman was furious after hearing what he said, but she did not dare to lose her temper. 'If I let this girl go, then my son's injury wouldn't have been in vain.'

Chi Yan could tell what she was thinking at a glance. Recalling what she had just learned, she spoke coldly.

"Master Jing, this Gu Zifeng is really something. I heard that this guy brought seven or eight men to go after Jinqi today. In the end, Jinqi beat them up all by herself."

"Chi Yan, do you really have to go against us?" The middle-aged woman roared. Her eyes were fixed on him, and it was filled with hatred.

Hearing this, Chi Yan spread his hands and dared not care about her words at all.

So what if she went against them? The Gu family had to have the ability to deal with the Chi family in the future to go against them.

"Where is he?" Si Jingyun's expression was indifferent and his eyes were cold.

"He's lying in the hospital right now. The results showed that three of his ribs were broken."

Chi Yan flipped through the results that the police had just handed to him. 'D*mn, a few of them had either broken ribs, broken arms, or cracked spines.'

Judging from the situation, they would have to lie in bed for a while to recuperate.

Jinqi was too ruthless. She did not seem like someone who could beat them to a pulp like this.

Lu Jinqi sat down on a chair. She crossed one leg and played her game leisurely on her phone while they spoke.

When she heard Chi Yan's voice, she paused for a moment. Her eyes showed nothing but annoyingness, and the corner of her lips curled up. There was a hint of wickedness in her.

She said casually, "I didn't know I was being that harsh, I tried to be gentle with them."

Chi Yan and the other policemen's faces twitched. Why did she sound like she fought them out of pity?

"Since he's not dead, let Qi Ye bring him out."

Si Jingyun tilted his head slightly, his gaze cold.

Chi Yan made a hand gesture and called Qi Ye on the spot, asking him to bring all those people back to the hospital.

The middle-aged woman couldn't care less anymore and said recklessly, "Master Jing, you can't take Zifeng away. You're breaking the law. I can sue you for it."

Si Jingyun raised his eyebrows and clicked his neck. "You can try."

His voice was soft, cold, and arrogant.

Then, Si Jingyun looked at the girl sitting down and said calmly, "Jinny, let's go home."

Lu Jinqi replied with a nod and walked over to him.

Seeing her come closer to him, Jingyun heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he saw Chi Yan looking at him with a smile.

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Nothing. Everything is up to that person."

Chi Yan pointed at the man who was pretending to be dead and said indifferently.

Chief Zhang almost wanted to dig himself into a hole when he was suddenly called out. If he did not have ties with the Gu family, he would not have appeared today.

Now that Master Jing knew about what happened, his official position would come to an end.

Sure enough, in the next moment, he heard Director Liu's voice. "Chief Zhang, you can leave and never come back!"


Back in the car, neither of them spoke. Si Jingyun turned his head and saw the girl with her head lowered. No one knew what she was thinking.

"Looks like the one with boundless charm should be you, Jinny."

In the end, Si Jingyun broke the silence. He raised his eyebrows. His cold eyes were now tinged with a faint smile, and his lips curled up slightly.

Lu Jinqi raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes. She suddenly chuckled in her heart. This man remembered their conversations.

"I can't compare to you, obviously."

Her voice was filled with impish intent.

Hearing this, Si Jingyun's gaze froze for a few seconds. In the end, he let out a low laugh and asked the car to leave.

Very soon, they arrived at the Berling Manor. Si Jingyun nodded his head and his alluring voice was very soft and hoarse.

"Jinny, you go in first. I still have something to do."

Because of this, Lu Jinqi's beautiful eyes narrowed. She knew what this man was planning to do, but she did not expose him. She just opened the door and got out of the car.


Qi Ye saw Si Jingyun enter and said, "I've brought them all back."

Si Jingyun nodded. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were cold and distant.

"Let the rest of them go. It's time to get down to business."

Qi Ye understood what he meant, and excitement flashed in his eyes. He secretly rubbed his hands and nodded as he left.

This time, the Gu family was doomed.

Si Jingyun looked at the man lying on the ground and stepped hard on him.

His eyes were cold, and his feet did not stop moving. He said in a low and hoarse voice, "You want to touch Jinny, huh?"

Gu Zifeng subconsciously clenched his fists. The pain all over his body made him want to faint.

"Si… Jing... Yun... You... Let go of me!" He even struggled to speak and jumped out word by word.

Si Jingyun raised his foot and gave a cold hard kick. His cold voice echoed in the vast space.

"You should be glad that Jinny was not injured today."

Gu Zifeng's body stiffened and he raised his head.

"The Gu family does not deserve this treatment."

Gu Zifeng fell to the ground. Hearing his words, a chill ran down his spine. Si Jingyun wanted to destroy the Gu family for harming his woman.


The middle-aged woman returned to the Gu family with a pale face and sat on the sofa shakily.

Seeing her like this, the servant was a little worried but dared not to go forward.

Gu Linhai saw her like this when he came back. He pinched the space between his eyebrows and asked impatiently, "What's going on?"

The moment the woman saw him, it was as if the dam had been opened. She grabbed his arm and began to cry.

"Linhai, what should we do? Master Jing took Zifeng away."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man replied in a deep voice, "What did you say? What's going on?"

The woman's eyes evaded his gaze for a moment. When she saw the man's expression, she stammered out everything.

After hearing that, Gu Linhai slapped her hard in the face.

"It's all because of you. You're all useless."

He said coldly and left in a hurry.

With Master Jing's personality, there was no room for negotiation. Fortunately, he had signed the project with the higher-ups during this period of time.

As he was rejoicing, the phone rang. He had a bad premonition.

As soon as the call was connected, the person on the other end said in a panic, "CEO Gu, something is not right. The higher-ups just announced that the project has been suspended."

Gu Linhai's vision went dark. He held the phone tightly and said in disbelief.

"Why was it suddenly suspended?"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment. Finally, he said, "There's something wrong with this project. They said that it involves bribery and money laundering."

After saying that, Gu Linhai's mind went blank, and his phone fell to the ground.

It was over. The Gu family's liquid funds and all of their shares had been invested in it, and now they were all gone.

Suddenly, a person appeared in Gu Linhai's mind. "Master Jing, Master Jing must be involved in this matter."