End Of Discussion

While my mom and dad are looking at me like I've just told them a secret they can't believe, I go back to reading my manual/ guide. I so want to get an apartment as I've saved up with the allowances I've received from my parents and part time jobs I've had throughout my last 2 years. However the school requires us to spend our freshman year in a dorm room so me and Tish are just hoping that if we can't room together our dorms are at least close by.

I'm not really a let's meet strangers type of person so this has me a little anxious... oh well right, we all have our crosses to bare.

My mom finally snaps out of whatever trans her and my father caught themselves in and says, " you sound so ungrateful, all the things we have done for you and provided you with."

There are a multitude of things I could have replied with and I was thinking " name one?", but what I actually said was " I'm sorry you feel that way but it doesn't change the fact that in about a month and a half I'll be in Arizona starting my freshman year of learning how to make more decisions/ choices."

This was my way of saying end of discussion as I got up and headed out for my shift at our local grocery store. I told my parents goodbye and texted Tish to let her know I was going to spend the night at hers. There is no way I'm coming back here when I know this conversation is nowhere near done on their end.

Yeah I can't avoid them forever, but for tonight, not getting into it.