chapter sixteen


"Let's just go in." 

I could no longer admire the beauty of the place as my mind was fixed on Landon. Why is he behaving that way all of a sudden? Is it because of the sound mode because I noticed that Sean acted weirdly like putting his hand on his waist but then again I don't know him that well to know what he does or doesn't. Actually, I know Landon more and he's definitely acting unusual. 

A golf cart like cart came and pick us up from where we were standing. The man driving the cart greeted us but we did not answer.

Landon's mind seems to be far from where mine is. 

We arrived in the mansion and it was totally breathtaking. 

I can't compare this place to that of Santiago's because both are incomparable. 

The living room is ten times bigger than my entire house in real life. The dinning room can house our entire family. 

The whole place is royalty themed. 

There's even a spot for the piano.