chapter twenty

"This is the vacation I've been waiting for." Landon said and layed completely on the sand. 

"Yeah but we got to get out of here." Sean added. 

"Just relax will you?" He gazed at the sky, "We still have time." 

"Time is not what we have, and we can't even know the amount of time we've wasted because this is a sound mode and the time here aren't accurate." He said all at once, "We've got to end this mode." He said with finality and stood up. 

We were ending another mode before, I thought as all the memories of what happened before came to my head. why did we come here? 

"Sean, why are we here?" I asked. 

"Oh, we are here because of the sound mode, there's thre...two types of mod.." he began but I interrupted him. 

"I know, you've told me." And this time am sure he wanted to say three. 


"When we went looking for my son." I replied but they looked at me as if I've gone insane. 

"Don't you guys remember?"