chapter twenty seven

"Why are you telling her that! You know we can't give her that information, what about the agency?!" Rylee yelled. 

"So she'll know what to do next." Landon interrupted with his hands crossed and winked at me. 

My mode? Then it means I can determine whatever happens! Whether to save myself or not even though I don't have my signal! 

"I get what you're saying." I sighed and thought deeply before seconds later, the same lemon colored light beeped on Lauren's screen. "I'll let you guys control my dreams. It's your job." They probably don't want anyone finding out about the last mode because they are worried people will take control and if they do, two bad things would happen. First, they may end like grandaunt Patricia or the agency will be out of business if everyone controls their dreams. What will be the use of the agency then?