chapter thirty seven

Chapter thirty seven

Mrs. Smith saw us to the door before we bid her goodbye and Landon took me to a cafe, not far from there. 

"Hmm, the coffee smiles nice," I said to the waitress that severed us our coffee. 

"Thank you." (Thank you.) She smiled and left. 

"Wow, she replied in English!" 

"You spoke to her in English, Karen." Landon dismissed. 

"So what's up with the way you treated Mrs. Smith easier?" I asked, Remembering the way he spoke and looked at her. 

"You'll soon find out." He answered absentmindedly. 

"I've thought of something," I announced. He seemed angry with the way he suddenly looked at me. 

"Sorry, but just listen. In all the movies I've watched connecting or in Paris, one thing or the other leads them to the Eiffel tower." 

"What's your point?" 

"I don't know, maybe we'll find the door there?" 

He didn't reply. 

"Landon?" He kept glancing behind and I suddenly feel watched.