He turned to me with a smirk on his face, "This means you owe." He said. 

That's the second person today

Uh, what does everyone want from me

But with that aside, I need to get to my seat so I climbed up the window

I was just about to jump down when a voice startled me

" who I'll see

Unfortunately, my eyes met with emerald green eyes staring straight at me

The person a few feet away is hairy from head to toe. The majority of his face is hidden with hair and his bangs almost hid his green eyes

"Are you Axel the werewolf everyone knows?" Elena asked again. Shit, we did not teach this girl not to talk to strangers

I quickly covered her mouth with my hand before she reveals our family hatred for him and he eventually figure out who I am

"Goo..goo.. good evening s..it." The woman inside the booth stuttered