Hi, I am Farrel (ii.)

AT THE RYDER PACK: Cameroon stared at the handwriting one more time and turned it into the next page. His first entry was about his uncle. He smiled as he read about his uncle, remembering clearly his uncle asking him to write what was on it.

He had written and hadn't changed it because everything on it was true.

He turned the page and cried a bit more, the entry was about his parents.

After a few minutes of reading through it, he felt calm and opened the pages till he found the entry of when he transformed for the first time.

"Wow, just like your father." He read one of the sentences in the journal, he grinned remembering how his uncle was happy for him and they had gone for a run, but after they had come back to their house his uncle had talked to him.

Cameroon had cried so much that his uncle had found it hard to make him stop.