You Hurt Me

Sheryl stared at Gal, she could feel her heart heartbreaking and cursed it for doing so. Each time Gal yelled at her, she always managed to hurt her more but why was she allowing Gal Ryder to hurt her?

Why wasn't she saying anything in return? 

Why was she standing there like a statue instead of telling Gal she was wrong?

Why wasn't she defending herself and telling Gal that she was hurting her?

Was Beta Sheryl agreeing with everything Gal was yelling to her, did she think that it would have been better if she was the one who was dead?

Gal stopped and look at Sheryl hard, she wasn't that surprised that Sheryl was saying nothing in return, after all, she had no plan to listen to whatever crap she had to say. She looked around and then back at her, "so, we have agreed? You will leave me alone, don't go anywhere near my brother.