I Agree, I Messed Up

The three women watched as Jordan and Timothy entered the bedroom but not before Jordan glared at his sister, to say the boy was angry would be an understatement.

Gal was stuck, a part of her knew she deserved that and didn't. Kate's eyes met Sheryl, and all of them had the look, "I know." 

Kate yawned and Gal stated, "I am sorry I woke you up. You can sleep, I will leave in a minute." 

Kate shook her head, "no, there is no need. I have a spare mattress in my bedroom and you can sleep. No, actually the boys can sleep in the coach and you can take the bed and Sheryl can take the mattress or vice versa, I don't know." She yawned again. 

Gal shook her head, there was no way she was going to share the same room with Sheryl, she didn't even know how she was standing with her at the moment.