Character Information



Hailing from a long line of master blacksmiths, he is the father of Sǫlmundr. After the devastating loss of his wife during childbirth, he has made his son the sole focus of his life. Wants nothing more than to live out a peaceful life and watch his son grow but is worried he will follow the path of a warrior leading to pain and suffering.


A flaxen-haired, green-eyed lass who is a maid in training who has been assigned to Sǫlmundr. She is a kind and caring person who does her very best to provide for her struggling family. Due to her soft character, she is seen as a naïve and innocent young girl but do not think that is all there is to her.


A close friend of Smiðr since their teenage years, he is one of the rare commoners that managed to become a warrior, albeit through numerous hardships. Sadly, his career was cut short but an untimely injury that left him with a strange gait. With his savings, he managed to open a small business that makes use of his skill in carpentry. Still, he misses the rush of the old days and has been bored out of his mind ever since. His unofficial mentoring of Sǫlmundr has at least helped make the time go by quicker and given him a chance to get back at the Illugis for a yet to be known reason.


The family tutor for all the Illugi children, tasked with teaching them the basics like—math, language, history etc. Also has the responsibility of informing them about the workings of society and the flora and fauna of the valley. His age makes him one of the wisest people Sǫlmundr has met so far, and the boy has developed a close relationship with him as a consequence of their shared thirst for knowledge. This thirst has led him far and wide in search of answers and the truth, leading him to the Illugi household.

Gammal Galti:

Originally going by the name Jǫfurr, he is a jaded warrior and is probably one of the only people to have ever gazed at the unerring depths and lived to tell the tale. The experience changed him entirely, and as penance for that sin, he has taken to preparing youngsters for the harsh reality ever since, turning away those who would otherwise suffer a fate worse than death. The appearance of someone like Sǫlmundr has fanned the embers of absolution he thought to be long dead, but he is still not sure it will be enough.



A once-glorious blacksmithing house, it has been in decline over the past few generations. Now on the verge of ruin, holding on by relying on past contacts and favours they owed over the years.


The current head of the Gneisti household and grandfather of Sǫlmundr. The years of working the forges have left him with an ailing body, and he knows he does not have long left to live. The marriage of his son to someone from the Illugi household, along with the appearance of his grandchild, Sǫlmundr, has given him the opportunity to reinvigorate the family and has therefore made sure to treat the boy with utmost care and love with the intention of getting it repaid in the future.



The rulers of the city of Skuldsökaring, a prestigious war house that came into prominence over the last few centuries. Their noble and honourable mask hides a ruthless and uncaring face that many have had the privilege to know, albeit briefly. They control the lion's share of all businesses within the city and are looking to systematically absorb the rest. The other houses banding together have thwarted their progress, but who knows how long it will be before this cold war turns hot. Have a vested interest in Sǫlmundr but are keeping their distance until they are sure he is the one.


The second son of the Illugi chief, poised to take over once his father steps down. A sharp and cunning individual who embodies what it means to be an Illugi. His appearances at significant events, paired with his father practically going unseen, have made many view him as the de-facto leader of the city.


Ripped from her ideal life, she travelled to a foreign city to be married to the chieftains heir as per their family's agreements. Despite her refusing vehemently to the arrangement, it still proceeded forward, culminating in her marrying Eitri. The Illugis hold her on a short leash, relegating her to the operation of their household, leaving her pulling hair out, trying to make sense of the costs and profits.