~Uncontested divorce~

Chapter 187

~Uncontested divorce~

"When both parties agree to the divorce and sign the documents the divorce is called uncontested; it is usually the easiest form of divorce, right now, considering the fact that you are still serving your jail term and the other party being Mrs. Fanny is preparing for her wedding" the legal representative Mrs. Fanny came with said to Mr. Fanny who was quietened and all ears.

"Why did you say so?" asked Fanny, trying not to keep his gaze on the baby bump of Mrs. Fanny which seemed to be irritating him now.

"Permit me to enunciate on this," the lawyer said, and cleared his throat, "When a divorce is uncontested the parties may be able to sign paperwork and never actually appear in court or in front of a judge. And considering your stand right now granting you an exit permit to appear in court  maybe a tedious task and the stress is just something you wouldn't want to deal with," he said and was interrupted by Mrs. Fanny."