~Trouble and confusion on wedding day~                                                                          

Chapter 201 

~Trouble and confusion on wedding day~

With their fingers clenched together and their hands locked at the elbow, Ken and Mrs. Fanny stared passionately into each other's eyes before they started walking into the cathedral. While Ken had his smiling face flashing at the guests that came to honor their wedding, Mrs. Fanny had her gaze on the thick crucifix of Jesus on the wall as well as the artistic work of Mary and the bold writing on the wall that said St. Francis Asisi. She wouldn't want to gaze around and see faces of people she wouldn't want to see.

Ken was busy smiling at the faces of guests that smiled at him, until they got to the altar, before the bald headed, thick cheeks, brawly and short priest, whose glasses seemed to be meant only for his nose and not for his eyes.

The priest dragging a smile at them gestured at them to face each other, and they did at once. Clearing his throat, the priest said into the microphone.