~Jacy teaches Ken a lesson~

Chapter 204

~Jacy teaches Ken a lesson~

Jacy pushed through the crowd until she got to where Ken was busy exchanging pleasantries with guests. Gazing upon the young man ken was discussing with, she sneered at him and madly widened her gaze at him

"Leave I need to have a word with the damn groom," she said and rolled her eyes at the man who was reluctant to have a walk. "I said leave us right now, else I will invite an alpha man to punch you till you bleed," she threatened and waited for the man to obey her command.

Ken forced a smile. Tapped the young man on the shoulders and said, "It is OK, you can leave. I will phone you later so we can discuss further," he smacked his lips at the man.

And the young man sighed, rolled his eyes at Jacy and walked away, not really giving a damn about what she was murmuring about while he walked away.