~Blueeyes is all I have got~                                             

Chapter 209 

~Blueeyes is all I have got~

"Oh please I beg of you. I just realized how foolish I am," he wailed and fidgety

Once the man corked the pistol and he suspected they were taking a shot at him. He shook so greatly that Jacy thought he was naturally ill or that the sound of the gun that was corked was responsible for it

She smiled and watched as Ken groped around in the dark tunnel, trying to feel anyone around. Just then she started pacing up and down the tunnel, her high heel knocking through and leaving the whole tunnel echoing with it. Ken kept groping for her, with his hands in the air to see if he could touch her

"Who is there?" Ken queried, "Please take of this blindfold from me so I can beg Jacy with my eyes. I believe if she sees my wailing eyes she would never consider killing me any more…"