~Frank is my everything~  


~Frank is my everything~

Frank dragged his cheeks in smiles wondering why he had been smiling sheepishly before a girl who has never smiled since he walked in through that door for over an hour now.

"This is Frank. He is a medical doctor and works at the Federal Clinic," Mary introduced, motioning her hand to him, while she spoke to Eva.

Eva's jaw sagged as she breathed ; feeling weak to be harsh at this man , who seemed to be welcomed into her heart already. Perhaps it could be because of his sensual cute smile that dug dimples into his cheeks whenever those smiles flashed. She had never found it easy with anybody before let alone men, the worst gender she had come to spite so much that she hated seeing them with her eyes. She couldn't believe she was still cold and helpless, standing and beholding a man that returned home with her mother and may likely spend the night.