~Watch me partake in your honeymoon~                                       

Chapter 244

~Watch me partake in your honeymoon~

With her entire body on all fours and her teeth tightly clenched , Teddy pounded Mrs. Fanny through the back side and when her phone rang, she was tempted to go for it when Teddy spanked her buttocks and brought her to order with his voice that grunted at her.

"Stay put, you asshole," he cursed her and gripped her on the waist before pushing back his penis into her to gain perfect penetration.

Her mobile phone beeped and started off ringing again and she knew it would be no other person than Ken who would be annoyingly worried now over her whereabouts. She wondered what would be Ken's reaction since she had spent more than an hour now all in the name of going to pick up a bikini.

Disturbed within herself to go for her phone, she drifted again to go for it and his wet penis slipped out of her vagina.