~Lucy and detective  

Chapter 281

~Lucy and detective

Contemplating, she echoed, "Yeah." Her reply was cold and numb, as though she wouldn't want to say it in the obvious that she was an accomplice in the murder of her husband.

The anxious detective was smoking hard at the time and was out to ask her countless questions if only she knew.

"So what happened to him?" the detective asked and when she hesitated, he added "Your husband, I mean, who killed him?" Do you know any name?"

There was hush silence hanging over the room. And Ella was sniffing heavily at the time, very scared to state the truth and mention Brian to the detective, whom she believed was going to keep it secret.

'Yeah I did," she replied swiftly and hissed, "And I would be grateful for killing that asshole," she replied and felt a bit uncomfortable to continue the discussion.

  A hiss.