Chapter 5

On her holiday, Taria woke up early in the morning on her phone ringing. She slightly opened her eyes and picked the phone that was beside her, then she took the call without seeing who was calling. "mhm" she said while her eyes were closing again, but when she heard Tian's voice, her eyes opened wide.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? Did you get hurt?", Taria said while sitting on the bed as if she wasn't struggling to open her eyes two seconds ago

"Hey hey relax. Were you having a nightmare? I'm fine, don't worry. I was just wondering if you would be there to cheer for me tomorrow?", Tian said

"....seriously? DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S THE TIME NOW?", Taria shouted

"Is that a yes or no?", Tian asked

"Sigh. No. I have to study tomorrow. I won't go to the sports day", Taria said

"Come o~n. I have no one to cheer for me", Tian said

"Tian, you have got every girl at the school to cheer for you. I will go back to sleep. Bye", Taria said

"I will treat you to lunch if you come. Your favorite fried chicken", Tian said to persuade Taria, knowing that she can't say no to fried chicken, and she said yes.

On the next morning, Taria canceled her studying plans and went to the place she hates the most, school. Many students came to the sports day even if it was optional, and the main event was, as usual, basketball. She went to the stadium, and sat with so many students that were watching the match full of energy which she couldn't understand as a person who hates sports.

Taria kept staring at Tian the whole time. She knew that he was good at basketball, but it was her first time seeing that he was on a whole different level from everyone else. He was running across the stadium with the ball as if it was a part of his body, fast, controlling, and unbeatable.

"He is so handsome"

"His body is perfect"

"yaaaaaa our cold prince is so cool"

Taria felt strange when she heard the girls saying that about Tian, maybe because she sees him a lot that he became a familiar person to her, but she couldn't deny the fact that Tian was handsome. "His face and body are good, right?" she thought while staring at him, but the girls shouting voices woke her up from her daydreams to find out that Tian caught her staring at him with a weird look in her eyes, so she blushed.

After the match ended, Tian nodded for her to get down, and she did. He moved between his fangirls as if they were invisible, and when he reached her, a smile appeared on his face.

"Thanks for coming. Have you enjoyed the match?", Tian asked with sparkling eyes

"Yes yes. I enjoyed cheering for you. You're actually good at basketball", Taria said trying to tease him

"Were you unsure about that? Anyway, I will change my clothes and take you to eat as I promised. Stay here", Tian said while he was heading to the changing room.

Taria stayed at her place waiting ,with Mia, for Tian to get back.

"Are you dating him?", Mia asked while her eyes were full of stars

"Who? Tian? No no, we are just friends", Taria answered directly making the stars on her friend's eye fade away

"What do you mean just friends? He treats you differently than anyone else, even his cold sharp eyes are different when you two are talking. You have to tell me everything, Taria Park", Mia said while wrapping her arm around Taria's neck, but someone suddenly called her name and stopped Mia's investigation.

"Are you Taria?", a tall pretty girl said

"Yes", Taria said with eyes full of questions

"I hate that you are always with MY Tian. You can't get close to him anymore, understand?", the girl said crossing her arms

"Tian is not an object for you to own, and it's none of your business whether I stay with him or not", Taria said with a cold look that was unlike her usual one, but before she could do anything, the girl slapped her face and started shouting at her while Mia was shouting back. Taria couldn't hear what the girl was saying since she was deep in her thoughts. She felt her blood running fast, and she felt her heart beats on the cheek the girl slapped. She took a deep breath, moved Mia aside, smiled, and pulled the girl's hair.

"Did you think I would start crying if you slapped me? You are so stupid to even think about that. A weak delicate girl like you can't even imagine what I've been through", Taria whispered in the girl's ear while she was crying, and her eyes were so sharp and cold just like Tian's. She let the girl go while everyone was staring at her fixing her shirt with their eyes wide open. The girl tried to punch Taria from behind, but she moved aside, letting her fall down to the ground.

Tian came back after a while, and Taria, who was still standing beside the girl on the ground, said goodbye to Mia and pulled him out of the stadium while everyone started talking about them.

"What happened?" Tian asked while Taria was still holding his hand and walking in front of him, but she stayed silent. He could feel how annoyed she was from the pressure she put on her fist that was holding his, but he preferred leaving her to calm down on her own, so he walked with her without saying any word.

Everyone at the school was shocked seeing their cold prince getting dragged by an unknown girl, but Tian didn't pay any attention to them since he was staring at Taria's wavy brown hair that she let down unlike usual.

When they reached the school gate, Taria stopped walking, then she looked at Tian with her usual lively eyes and a smile

"Where are we going now?", Taria asked

"My car is in the parking lot. Go there now and I will follow you", Tian said, handing the key to Taria, then she nodded and went to the parking lot.

Tian went back, and by the time he reached the stadium he knew what happened between Taria and the girl from his classmates. The girl, Doa, was still there talking to her friend while trying to fix her hair that Taria messed up. Tian walked towards her, and when she saw him coming she started running towards him with a fake sad look in her eyes.

"Tian, who is that girl? Look at what she did to me", Doa said while her eyes became teary.

"You should be thankful that you are a girl, or I would have messed with your face rather than your hair. If you bothered Taria again, I won't mind breaking some rules regarding hitting girls", Tian said, looking straight into Doa's eyes with a cold look that made her tears fall down, then he went back to meet with Taria at the parking lot.

"Where have you been?", Taria said

"I had something to do, don't worry about it. Now, I'm going to take you somewhere delicious", Tian said while poking her nose.

After half an hour, Tian and Taria reached a restaurant that looked so expensive. Taria felt burdened when she saw the restaurant, but Tian pushed her inside and sat her down. Once they sat down, the waiters brought fried chicken and many other plates and put them on the table, and Tian started eating while Taria was staring at him.

"Why aren't you eating? The fried chicken here is so good, but if you want something else then we call the waiter", Tian said

"Tian.. Was it necessary to BOOK THE WHOLE RESTAURANT?", Taria said

"Well, I have something to talk to you about and I wanted us to be alone", Tian said putting his spoon aside, and Taria felt a heavy feeling and got concerned

"What's wrong?", Taria asked

"The girl who slapped you today, I promise something like that won't happen again so don't be angry, ok", Tian said while holding her hand

"PFFTTT HAHAHAHAHA, OMG. Were you that concerned about what happened? don't worry I'm not angry, and I already pulled her hair which was so satisfying. Don't worry man, I won't leave a friend because of a crazy fangirl", Taria said, then she started eating the fried chicken with a happy look in her eyes that made Tian less worried.

"Oh that was so good, thank you for the meal, but next time there is no need to go as far as booking the whole restaurant just for the two of us", Taria said while they were leaving the restaurant

"Ok ok, next time I will take you somewhere where a lot of people are", Tian said

"eee it's real that wealthy people don't know how to have fun without spending money, isn't it?", Taria said

"Is that even possible?", Tian asked

"I will teach you. When are you free?", Taria said

"I have nothing to do other than school and work so it's up to you", Tian said

"How about next weekend? I will teach you how to have fun with the minimum amount of money", Taria said, and Tian nodded his head while getting into the car.