Chapter 10

When Taria went to school, Mia was waiting for her with flames in her eyes that were going to kill Taria with every glance

"Where have you been? I called you a hundred times but you didn't answer", Mia shouted

"Hey hey hey, relax. I will tell you everything after the class", Taria said, trying to calm her friend down

"We don't have any classes now, and I have something to tell you", Mia said with concerned eyes that gave Taria a heavy feeling, so they went to the rooftop to talk

"Mm, well, there is a rumor about you and Tian", Mia said

"The one that we are a couple?", Taria said

"Em em, worse", Mia said, shaking her head

"What? Say it Mia, you are making me nervous", Taria said while closing her eyes

"They say that you seduced Tian and that you are pregnant with his child which is the reason why he treats you differently", Mia said while she was walking away to avoid getting killed by Taria who turned into a rock, but Taria started laughing hysterically.

"Taria, are you ok?", Mia said after she sat down beside Taria again


"Don't worry, I believe you", Mia said while her tears started falling down

"Why are you crying? hic, you are going to make me cry too", Taria said

"But I'm crying because you are crying, sniff", Mia said, then they both hugged each other and kept crying.

"Mia, we still have to find a solution", Taria said

"Don't worry, sister is here for you. You need to talk to the fath.. I mean Tian, and ask him to stop talking to you at school", Mia said

"You were going to say ' talk to the father' weren't you? If I didn't love you, I would have slapped your pretty face by now", Taria said

"Hehehe you know that wasn't intentional", Mia said while trying to avoid Taria's cold gaze

"I can't do that. I would feel bad for him", Taria said laying her head on her hand

"Then, how about we spread another rumor to cover the first one. Mm, let's say that Tian is actually your childhood friend", Mia said full of energy

"How would anyone believe that", Taria said

"You said it, our school is full of crazy people who believed that you are pregnant, why wouldn't they believe our rumor, and, I know someone who is really good at photoshop", Mia said while her eyes turned evil

"Mia...", Taria said with a scared voice after seeing her friend's eyes

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill anyone. I will just fake a photo for you and Tian as children playing together", Mia said, then she stood up and said "I'm going to save you, little sister"

Taria looked at Mia with sparkling eyes as if she was her hero, then she said "I'm older than you, you are the little sister".

Both of them went down again running since they forgot that they had a class, and after the school ended, Mia remembered that Taria hadn't told her about the last day, but by that time, Taria was already on the bus going home.

On the next day, Mia came to the class late, but she sat down after being scolded by the teacher with a winning look in her wide green eyes.

"What is that look for? You were just scolded by the teacher", Taria whispered

"It's not my first time being scolded, and, I did it", Mia said while playing with her hair

"Did what?", Taria asked

"I feel that you are an old lady sometimes, Taria. I did it, the thing we agreed on yesterday"

"YOU DID THAT THING", Taria shouted, leading the teacher to kick them both out of the class.

"I'm sorry", Taria said

"No, it's my fault that I befriended an idiot like you", Mia said while taking out her phone, then she showed Taria the fake photo that she published earlier.

"Oh my god, Mia this is great. I would actually believe that he was my friend", Taria said, and Mia gave her the "I know" look, but what Taria never imagined was that Tian, who lost his childhood memories, would actually believe the photo.

At the lunch break, Tian went to Taria's class but she wasn't there. He looked at the cafeteria, the library, the teachers room, and even the clinic, but he couldn't find her, so he went to the rooftop. When Tian saw Taria standing with Mia, he ran towards her without thinking.

"Is it true? Were we friends? So that was the reason why I feel comfortable when you touch me. Why haven't you told me before?", Tian said while holding Taria's hands

"Hey hey hey, no. We weren't friends, it's fake", Taria said

"What does (feel comfortable when you touch me) mean?", Mia said while putting her elbow on Taria's shoulder, but Taria and Tian gave her a cold look that gave her chills

"We made this photo to stop a rumor", Taria said

"What rumor? The one about you being pregnant with my child?"

" knew?", Taria said while her face turned red

"Of course I knew. I know everything that happen at our school about student or teachers, but I never imagined that you would fake a photo to stop a rumor. I already stopped it anyway", Tian said

"Mm, Tian, have you lost your childhood memories or something? I have to know who my friend's friends are", Mia said

"Yes, I've lost my childhood memories long time ago", Tian said

"Mhum, when is the wedding then?", Mia said

"What wedding? Brother Ve said something about a wedding too, are we invited to a wedding?", Taria said while moving her eyes between Tian and Mia, but they both sighed

"I'm really sorry for you", Mia said while patting Tian's shoulder

"Yeah, she is smart at everything other than this topic", Tian said

"Don't worry, I will help you with all my strength", Mia said

"What are you talking about? What wedding? and why are you sorry for him?", Taria said while her head tilted to the side

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I need your help with my math homework, can I take you to my house after our shift?", Tian said

"Ok", Taria said, then the three of them went to their classes