Chapter 31

Taria went with Mia to celebrate, and, as usual, Taria's bad side turned on after she got drunk. Mia called Tian who was sitting at his apartment angry as he wasn't able to see Taria a lot the past few days, and she asked him to come get his drunk girlfriend.

Tian entered the bar to see Taria drinking with a strange man. He walked through the bar and pulled Taria, but while he was going to get her out, the man sitting next to her held her hand, not willing to let her go.

"Leave her", Tian said, trying to keep as calm as he could to not cause any problems, but the man said "why should I?", with a smirk that broke the last chain holding Tian's devil. Tian held the man's collar and punched him on his face, making his nose bleed, then he flipped the man to the ground, putting his foot over his chest, and giving him a sharp look that cut the man's soul to halves.

"Don't kill him, Tian", Taria said, holding Tian's arm so he won't punch the man again, with sleepy eyes that showed how drunk she was.

Tian looked at her, then he carried her and walked towards the door, however, the man stood up and crashed an empty bottle over Tian's head. Tian covered Taria with his body, taking the whole hit by himself. He moved his head slowly, looking at Taria to make sure she wasn't hurt, while his blood was sliding on his head, yet when the first drop of Tian's blood touched Taria's cheek, she wiped it with her hand softly, then she asked him to put her down. She walked towards the man calmly, then crash, and the man hit the wall and fell to the ground bleeding after being kicked in the air.

Tian was watching her with his mouth open, and he forgot for a while that he was bleeding. Her scary eyes while she was hitting the man non stop gave him chills, and he spaced out thinking about his cute girlfriend that suddenly got scarier than Ve.

"Don't be shocked, that girl is unbeatable when she is drunk", Mia said, patting Tian's shoulder to get him back after he was spacing out, then they both kept watching while Taria was kicking the man until he couldn't stop anymore. After that, Taria squatted beside the man, moving her hair away from her face softly, and whispered "don't play a game you would lose" in his ear, with a look in her eyes that made the man's tears fall down, then she pulled Tian out of the bar and took him to his car.

"I don't want to go to hospitals", Tian said, but Taria gave him a cold look that forced him to close his mouth, then she said "I didn't ask if you want to go or not. Your head is wounded"

"But Taria… you can't drive in the first place, how would you drive when you are drunk?" Tian said after Taria forced him to sit down while she sat on the driver's seat, however, she smirked, giving him a feeling that what was coming would surprise him.

Taria drove the car smoothly, even though she was about to kill both of them in a car accident more than three times. Tian, who wasn't able to breathe the whole road, was so happy when they reached the hospital alive, even though hospitals are one of the most hated places for him. By the time the doctor treated Tian's wound, Taria was getting sober little by little, and her crazy side was fading slowly

"I'm sorry, sniff, I shouldn't have gotten that drunk. You saved my life again, but I put you in danger", Taria said while her tears were about to fall down

"Don't cry, it doesn't hurt that much", Tian said, feeling at ease as Taria's original personality came back, yet his happiness faded when she said "oh shut up, of course it would hurt badly, and you shouldn't have started a fight if you don't want me to cry". Tian sighed loudly after her changing personalities put him in a maze, not knowing when which would appear, however, he wasn't bothered by it. He liked the fact that no matter what personality Taria was using, she would always care for him, and she would always stay by his side.

Tian and Taria went to his house, but he drove this time in order to keep them both safe. Taria felt the world spinning, and she was about to fall down, yet Tian held her at the last moment, pulling her closer to him.

"You are so cool. My boyfriend is so cool", Taria said, with a silly smile on her face, then her sleepy eyes closed.

Tian carried her to the bed. He laid her down and covered her well, but when he was about to leave, she pulled him gently and said "don't leave, teddy bear". Tian tried to hold back his laughter, but he couldn't keep it all inside. He looked at Taria who was sleeping while holding his shirt, and he muttered "if you wanted me to be your teddy bear, then I would be, happily", then he kissed her forehead, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Taria rose up, sweating and breathing fast. She looked around her, and she didn't see Tian as he was still taking a shower, then her tears fell down. She got out of bed, searching for him and calling his name scaredly, but he didn't answer. She fell to the ground crying, but she stood up when she saw Tian getting out of the bathroom, closing one of his eyes as there was shampoo on his hair, and wrapping a towel around his body.

"Were you calling hon…?" Tian was saying, but Taria hugged him and interrupted his words.

"I had a nightmare, hic, and you were gone", Taria said, not feeling Tian's wet body even after burying her face in his chest as it was already wetted with her tears.

"Don't cry, Taria. I would never leave", Tian said, patting her head softly, but she refused to let him go, afraid that her nightmare would come true. The shampoo was burning his eyes, yet he could do nothing as she was still holding him tight.

"Honey I have to wash my hair, go back to sleep, ok?" Tian said, unable to open his eyes anymore

"No, I will stay with you", Taria said

"You can join me", Tian said jokingly, but he never imagined that she would take that joke seriously.

Taria pushed Tian back to the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the bathtub that was filled with water, and asked him to lay his head on her lap so she would be able to wash it for him. Tian was holding on to his pure thoughts, knowing that Taria is still under alcohol effect, but she was pushing him way past his limits as a normal man. Her shirt became see-through as it got wet, and her hands were moving over his head, and touching his ears softly, but he still held on to his pure thoughts, hardly. However, the kiss she printed on his lips cut the last thread he was holding on

Tian pulled Taria into the bathtub, breathing fast and blushing with a sharp look in his eyes, just like the look of a predator holding its prey in its hands. Taria knew that she was the one responsible for that, so she didn't resist in the slightest. Her eyes became foxy again, curved from the edges, and her heart was speeding up. She was feeling Tian's teeth biting her neck, hardly but softly at the same time, and she felt his hand sneaking beneath her wet shirt, then she surrounded his neck with her arms, and closed her eyes, leaving herself in the predator's hands but feeling safe.