Chapter 58

When Taria saw who was there, she felt like she fell into the deep ocean without any floats. She couldn't hear anything any more, nor could she breathe, all she could do was standing there like a statue. His straight black hair was the same, his black sharp eyes were the same, and the feeling he gave her was the same as when they first met eleven years ago.

"Taria…", he said, and her name getting out of his mouth cut the last thread that was holding her to not get insane.

"You… you. you are alive!", Taria said

"I'm back", he said, getting into the house and heading towards her slowly

"YOU ARE ALIVE! you left me for six years and you weren't dead all that time. You left me, breaking every single promise you swore, breaking my heart and soul, breaking my whole life, and you were alive all the time", Taria shouted.

Edrian and Steven got out of the living room after hearing her screaming, and once they saw the man standing there, they realized quickly who he was. Tian Leo, the young lord of the Leo family who died on a mission at his wedding day. The younger brother of the family's devil lord and the crazy grim rapper was actually alive.

Taria could hear her heart creaking again, and her mind that usually displays their happy memories together recalled only the pain she felt while hearing that he was dead. Her chest tightened and her stomach became stiff as if she was being squeezed between two walls. On the other hand, Ray was still standing at the door, knowing exactly who that person was, yet feeling nothing other than anger and ire.

"Taria I can explain..", Tian said

"EXPLAIN WHAT? Leaving me alone all these years? Smashing my heart into a million pieces? Or making me cry countless times over an empty grave?... you.. you didn't even say goodbye", she said, and her tears refused to stay inside her eyes any more.

She wanted to tell him how hurt she was. She wanted to tell him how painful it was to fight against the world alone for almost seven years, how much tears she had shed, how many times she couldn't sleep, how many things she had to face, yet her cries chucked in her throat, leaving her unable to say a single litter while her mind was drowning with words, so she ran out of the apartment, not knowing where to go or what to do.

Edrian followed her, while Steven and Ray stayed at the house with the person who was supposed to be dead.

Tian wasn't shocked at all of Taria's reaction as he imagined more than a million scenarios for this moment through the past seven years he spent dead, however, reality always hurt more than imagination. Her tears were still able to break his heart, and they did, yet there was another person that he wanted to see, a person he never met yet always missed, his son.

"So you are the dead young lord", Ray said coldly

"You are.. Ray", Tian said with shaky voice

"Yes I am", Ray said coldly

"Do.. Do you know who I am? Did your mother tell you about me?" Tian said, getting closer and closer to Ray who was standing bravely holding in his anger

"Don't get any closer", Steven said, standing between Tian and Ray with a sharp look in his eyes. "Please leave this apartment now or I will call the police", he said.

Tian waited for years for this moment, yet he couldn't wait any second longer. He looked at Steven while his eyes were about to kill him, then he said "move aside", coldly and deeply as if he was facing a monster.

Tian was about to lose his calmness, however, he wasn't the same crazy young lord as before. The past seven years were enough to change him, to make him able to control his devil more, and to make him able to stay steady no matter what was going on inside his mind. Steven tried to punch him, yet Tian blocked his punch as if it was nothing. He pressed on his arm and twisted it until it almost broke, looking straight into his eyes with a deep look that Steven never saw before, yet Ray's voice shouting "stop" stopped him from hurting him any longer

Steven realized how strong Tian was after he blocked his punch smoothly, which made him more and more nervous, while Ray was calm and cold, standing bravely in front of his father who seemed different than the photos he saw

"Ray.. do you know me?" Tian said

"You are my mother's dead lover and my biological father", Ray said, and his words forced a smile to appear on Tian's face. The word father kept ringing in his ears, and playing with his heart. He looked at Ray, seeing that he was actually a small version of him, with the same black hair and sharp eyes, then he knelt down and hugged him

"Ray.. my son", he said

"I said you were my biological father, yet I never said that I'm accepting you as my father. You are not a part of this family, Tian Leo, you are dead, and you will always be dead in my eyes", Ray said, pushing Tian away after he was hugging him tightly.

His words felt like being shot to Tian, however, he could understand how his son and his lover were feeling. Tian knew that they wouldn't accept him quickly. He knew that they might even hate him and hit him, and he was ready to face their reaction no matter what it was

"You have the right to hate me, but I'm not going to leave you alone any more. I have spent seven years away from you, and I'm not going to lose any other moment. I missed you a lot, Ray, I missed you and your mother more than anything else", Tian said with a warm smile

"You don't have the right to miss me or my mother. Now leave, and stay dead", Ray said

".. your uncle wasn't wrong when he said you are a brat. Hey kid, I'm your father", Tian said, holding Ray from his collar as he was tired of leaning forward

"Put me down, old man", Ray said

"OLD MAN? kid, didn't your mother teach you manners", Tian said

"She did, but your blood is stronger than any teacher", Ray said

"You really are my son. Ah, sorry brother Ve", Tian said

Steven was still feeling the pain in his arm, yet he was focusing on that strange man who came from nowhere, gave everyone a heavy feeling, then changed that heavy feeling into something more like confusion within less than ten minutes. He was calm yet energetic, sad yet happy, broken yet unbreakable. He was everything at the same time.

"Sorry for your hand. I will make sure to break it next time", Tian said, pulling Steven out of his thoughts

Tian was still holding Ray, and they both were looking at Steven with the exact cold look that sent chills over his spin. However, he felt the warmth in their looks, maybe because he got used to it, or because they looked cute as they were more like one person at different ages, but what matters to him was that his chest wasn't tightened any more.