Chapter 78

"What are you doing here?" Nai said calmly, turning on the lights after knowing who he was made her at ease

"My job", Ice said

"How did you know where I am? And what do you want?" she said

"It's my job to keep you safe, Lady Azora, yet I came here only to do that. Your family don't know anything about this, and they won't know as long as you haven't given me your permission to tell them", Ice said

"... Nai. My name now is Nai", Nai said, filled with mixed feelings and unsure if she can trust him or not

"I know, a student at high school in the morning, and a mafia member at night. The crazy lady who scared a mafia boss", Ice said

She couldn't know what to do, for the first time after her uncle's death, so she just sat down in front of him, and stared at his black eyes that were mysterious and empty.

"Look, Ice, I don't need you, and I don't want to put you in danger. Please leave me alone, and pretend that we have never even met", Nai said calmly, then she stood up and walked towards her room to change her uniform, however, his hand holding her arm activated her fast reactions, and she flipped him on the ground

"That was cool, but my lady, you missed an important point here", Ice said, then he flipped her on the ground while looking straight into her eyes. "Your body is so small to keep me on the ground", he said calmly, then he stood up and help her to stand up too

"Is that your way to say no?" Nai said

"Kind of… I, will never leave your side, my lady. Oh, and I also will be going to your school starting from tomorrow", he said, then he left her and went out of the apartment calmly

Nai started laughing hysterically after he left, not knowing if that was real or just a bad dream, however, she got a hold of herself fast and returned calm again, with the same empty eyes and the same expressionless face that she uses for work.

She changed her clothes fast and made some food, then she wore black from head to toe and went to successfully complete another mission.

After two hours and a half, Nai was walking through an old storage, covered in warm blood yet calm and cold. The place was so calm, with only her and four dead bodies, yet her phone broke that silence just before she could get out of the storage.

"You received an invitation", a deep male voice said, then the call ended and the blood in her body started running faster and faster. Finally, after all that time of completing missions that were smashing her soul, after killing more people than she could count, after becoming the thing she wanted to defeat, Nai was finally on the next level of her plan.

She drove crazily to her apartment, unable to think clearly and unable to even see the road, yet thankfully, she arrived safe and sound. Nai opened the door and looked around the place, then she found it, a letter on the table.

Nai held the letter without hesitation and opened it, ignoring the black mark that was on its envelop, and she started reading it out loud for her to understand it in the middle of her loud heartbeats.

"When the sun raise, where it first hug this city, knock the door with your name, then you will enter"

"What the hell is that? Are we playing find the treasure?" she shouted

"Climb the great mountain and be there at sunrise, then just say your name. An old mafia way", Ice said

"... how the hell did you enter?" she said

"You left the door opened, my lady", he said, then he walked towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator calmly

"Wha…" she was saying, yet he interrupted her saying "you lost a lot of weight since our fight, a mafia leader can't be weak"

"I'm not weak, and what does that mean I only got a letter", she said

"Your muscles will be weak soon if you don't eat well. and for your question… you didn't get a normal letter, my lady. The letter you received has a black mark and it started to decompose already as it is poisoned. Black, poison.."he said

"The snake..", she said, astonished yet not afraid at all, with her heart calm and her eyes sharp. She raised her head slowly, staring at nowhere with a fearless look while her mind was playing scenarios of her past, present, and future, then she smirked, even though all those scenarios were filled with the smell of death and blood.