Chapter 86

Beran spitted the tea out of his mouth and started coughing, yet that determined look in her eyes, just like a child that wants his parents to buy him some candies, forced him to say it. "O.. O. Ora", he stuttered, looking out of the window to not let her eyes meet his own, yet her reflection on the glass, with a tear getting out of her eye, forced him to stand up unconsciously and to walk fast towards her

"Why are you crying?" he asked, with his hands over hers on her lap and with a concerned look in his eyes that he never showed to anyone before, not even to himself, however, she tilted her head down, calmly as a mountain while tears were still running down her cheeks, and with the first tear that fell down on his hand, he stood up properly, put his hand on the back of her head, and grabbed her closer to him.

"Don't tilt your head down, cry while it's raised up", he said, and she moved her shaky arms slowly and hugged him back, letting her tears wet his shirt while letting his smell reach the depths of her soul.

"I miss him a lot. He was everything to me and I lost him", she said with a shaky voice, yet he patted her head softly, not knowing if it was him controlling his body or vice versa, yet not feeling bad at all even as a person who keeps his distance from everyone

"I.. didn't have anyone to lose, but I can understand how you feel. Don't.. don't cry. I'm here with you", he said while closing his eyes and sniffing her hair that smelled like fresh air, yet she sniffed, and pushed him away gently

"It's not time to cry, we have many things to do now", she said, with energy filling her eyes that were turned off a moment ago. Beran stiffened and became more like a statue, with hundreds of error signs filling his mind as an old computer, however, he wasn't able to realize if those signs occurred due to his unexpected reaction or due to the fascinating change in her behavior, yet either way, he knew that something was wrong with him.

"Come on let's go", she said, holding her hand bag and tying her shoelaces, yet he stayed still as if he wasn't actually there

"Come. On", she said, holding his hand and dragging him out of the apartment

"Where are we going?" he asked after he finally got back to real life

"We must buy some things to take when we travel. Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you about the vacation. We are going to Greece in two days, and we would stay there for a week, so we actually need some clothes that would fit the weather there as well as swimming suits and dress and a suit as we might need to do some mafia leaders' work there too", she said super fast

"Wait wait wait, why would we work on our vacation?" he said after he pulled her hand so she would stop for a while

"Relax, it's not real work. The snake asked me to attend a party or something", she said, then she smiled warmly after seeing his unsatisfied face, and she started walking again, but beside him this time, and with their hands separated

The casual clothes and the swimming suits were easy to find, however, Beran never imagined that finding a dress and a formal suit would be that hard

"No, next", she said for the sixth time after he walked out of the dressing room

"It's a suit, why are you making it this hard?" he asked

"Because you must be perfect as the mafia leader, this suit is not good enough. Gray makes your face pale and its length is making you seem shorter, now go back there and change it", she said, crossing her legs and enjoying her time while making him suffer. After that, Beran came out again, wearing a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a silver pin with a shining blue oval gem that was the exact same color as his hair. Nai couldn't say a word, seeing him and nothing else as if they were the only ones left on the planet, yet his voice saying "is that good enough?" forced her thoughts to slip out of her mouth and she said "I really like you.. I MEAN YOUR SUIT, I REALLY LIKE YOUR SUIT HAHA"

"Ok then, it's your turn now. I already have some options in mind", he said with a smirk on his face, a smirk that sent chills over her spin

Nai stayed sitting on the couch while Beran went to get her the options he talked about, and being alone in the fancy room forced her to rethink what she just said, moreover, it forced her to rethink everything. Their first meeting at school, and the feeling she got when she saw his shining hair glowing under the sunlight for the first time, their mission together and how strong he was, his hands holding her and pulling her up when she fell down, the new expressions he started showing her, and his deep eyes that she really want to dive in.

"Why the hell can't I stop thinking about him?" she murmured with her hands covering her face, yet his face never got out of her mind until he came back holding a navy blue dress

"I think this would look good on you, and.. we would be matching colors too", he said, looking at the wall and scratching his head. Nai took the dress calmly and entered the dressing room, yet after she took her clothes off, she remembered once again that she had a broken arm, which basically disabled her from zipping the dress. There were no employees at the room where they were as they ordered, so she had to ask for his help.

"Mm, Levi, can.. can you help me zip the dress?" she said while steam was getting out of her head as she was so embarrassed, yet he showed no embarrassment at all and he walked towards the dressing room calmly

"May I enter?" he asked once he reached the dressing room

"Ye… yes", she stuttered, then he moved the curtains aside and saw her facing the wall and moving her long black hair aside so he would be able to close her dress's zip. His hands were shaking as he was trying his best not to touch her body, yet he failed, and once his fingertips touched her skin, they both shivered

"Sorry, I didn't mean that", he said

"It's ok, don't worry about it", she said, with a steady voice she faked, and once he was done, she moved her hair back and turned around. The room wasn't small, yet he was still so close, or maybe that's what they felt

"You look.. astonishing", he said, running his eyes over her. The dress had silver beads on its top, which reflected on her eyes and made them shinier than they already are, it had one thick shoulder, leaving the other one uncovered, and the split uncovering her left leg was more than enough for him to realize that her white skin matches well with navy blue.

"Doesn't it look a bit older than my age?" she asked, looking at the mirror and spinning to see the back, yet she felt unsteady, and with only one small step she took, she found herself hitting his chest with her forehead. Nai looked up and saw his eyes again, reflecting her as water. Her hand moved alone and touched his hair that was raised up, then it moved down, slowly and shakingly, and it touched his sharp eye edge. On the other hand, Beran felt itchy at every spot she touched, yet he didn't mind it at all as all he saw was her brown eyes looking straight at him. The eyes that confuse him a lot, the eyes he couldn't understand, the eyes that he saw shining, crying, sharp, cold, lovely, and empty were finally reflecting him.

"Ora", he said, and his deep voice calling her shocked her like thunder and forced her to pull her hand away

"I'm terribly sorry, I really didn't mean to…", she was saying, yet he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer again after she stepped away, then he put her hand over his chest, making her feel his heart that was bumping like a drum.

"Why.. does it keep doing this?" he asked, with his eyes full of confusion and worries

"I… don't know", she said, then she pulled her hand away and left the room fast.