Blue Hair

Seeing Jim's appearance, his parents and Mr James rushed towards him whilst shouting,

" Jim, what happened to you?"

Mr James was the first person who reach Jim first.

When he reached Jim, his body began to fall as he was too weak.

Seeing that, Mr James hurriedly supported him. Finally, his parents also reach Jim.

"What happened to you?!"

They asked in unison.

"I... I..."

Jim said weakly before falling into Mr James' arms.

"Quick! Call the health emergency team! Call them!!"

Mrs Rose shouted when she saw her son's condition.


"Ma'am he will be fine! Just let me heal him."

"Quick heal him. Don't let him die!! , Please heal my son!!"

Jim heard in his long passive sleep.

Jim didn't fall unconscious. He was in a Half-sleep sleep state. Where he could hear what was going on around him but he couldn't see anything.



That was what Jim saw. He was in complete...te darkness. He was also alone.

"So this is what it means to be dead?", Jim said as he looked around him.

" Hahaha, I am finally free. I am also in the human world. Hahaha"

Suddenly Jim heard someone laugh.

The sound from the laughing was very loud. Moreover, the voice sounded extremely familiar.

"This is..."

Jim immediately became happy. This was because he recognized the loud voice.

"Drey?! Is that you?!", Jim asked.

" Oh boy, you are a very good seedling. You were able to absorb me. If you are trained properly, you would become a great person. Even if you don't have any talent in cultivation, with me residing in your body, you are destined to be a great person in future."

Drey said.

However, Jim still couldn't see him. The only thing he could see was absolute darkness.


Finally, Jim saw a ray of light approaching him with extreme speed. Also, the nearer it got to him the larger it became.

The streak of light continued to expand as it rapidly approached Jim. Finally, Jim could see that the ray of light was changing into a figure as it approached him.

It was Drey.

Finally, Drey reached Jim.

"Where are we? It can't be that you are also dead, right?!", Jim asked when Drey reached him.

The reason why Jim asked that was because from his basic understanding of elemental spirits is that elemental spirits are basically immortal. That theory was very true since Drey could live for tens of thousands of years.

" What?! What nonsense are you spouting?!", Drey asked with confusion written all over his face.

"Sigh...It seems that you are ignorant of a lot of things. We are in the elemental spirit space or for short spirit space", Drey sighed and then explained to him.

"Spirit space?! What is that?!", Jim asked.

" The spirit space is the place where elemental spirits stay when humans absorb them. The Spirit space can also be modified by the elemental mage in which an elemental spirit is residing. Only elemental spirits can stay in spirit space, which means that people without elemental spirits have no spirits space.", Drey calmly explained to him.

He was no longer surprised about Jim's ignorance.

"Oh", hearing Drey's explanation, Jim was surprised. This was mainly because he had never heard of spirit space before. In fact, before meeting Drey, he had never even heard about elemental spirits in general.

" You said the elemental mage which the elemental spirit is staying can modify the spirit space, correct?", Jim asked Drey.

"Yes, the elemental mage can just imagine the scenery, and it would work. Just try it", Drey responded.

" Okay", Jim responded and thought of the scenery.

Suddenly the space surrounding Jim and drey began to change.

Trees, rivers, mountains and even animals appeared. Jim opened his eyes and inspected the scenery.

"Wow, everything happened just like I thought.", Jim said when he saw the scenery.

" Hmm... Jim, I have some bad news for you.", Drey said after Jim finished checking the scenery.

"Hmm... What is it?!", Jim's expression turned serious.

Seeing Jim's expression, Drey chuckled lightly and said,

" Oh, it's nothing much. You should know that elements have different colours that represent them. For example, the lightning element's original colour is light yellow, the earth element is brown and so on, right ?", Drey asked a question first.

"Hmm..", Jim nodded his head firmly. At least no matter how ignorant he was about magic elements he knew that. After all, it was common knowledge.

" Okay, then this will be easier to explain to you. Whenever there is a change in the original colour of an element, it means that the person using that element either cultivates a forbidden elemental technique or that person has an elemental spirit residing in them."

"Forbidden elemental technique?! What is that?!", Jim asked curiously.

"I will explain to you later", Drey said.

" As for me, I have three types of lightning. They are divided into their colours depending on their damage value. The first one is light yellow. It is the normal kind. However, its base damage is more than the normal ones even though the colour is the same."

"The second one is deep blue. Its damage value is ten times the yellow coloured one. And it's also my favourite. It has an additional element embedded into it. The additional element is the thunder element or let's say sound element. It is what makes my voice extremely heavy."

"And lastly, the black coloured lightning. It is the most dangerous element currently. Its damage value is a hundred times the blue coloured one. It is too dangerous. It has many additional elements embedded in it. To name a few is the air element and water element. That lightning comes from my evil side. It is not to be messed with.", Drey explained in detail.

" So what is the importance of telling me all this?", Jim asked.

"I am telling you this because you have to train your body till strong enough to accommodate the lightning. As it stands now your body can't even handle my yellow coloured lightning! Therefore you must train your body till you can accommodate my yellow coloured lightning. Without training, you can't use my power. Which means you can't cast spells. And a mage who can't cast spells is... You know...", Drey explained in a long but detailed manner.

"So you are telling me that I can't use my lightning element without training my body even though I have already absorbed you?!", Jim asked calmly as if he was not even bothered by it.

"Yes", Drey replied.

" What the f*ck are you talking about. This is absolute bullshit!!. Don't say stupid things to me. After all the pain I went through just to absorb you, I have to train my body?! Are you out of your mind?!", surprisingly, Jim became furious after he heard what Drey said.

"Hmm... Seems that you are not afraid of me anymore. Do you want to die.", Drey snorted and released his frightening aura.

Seeing the situation going bad he stopped his barrage of insults. Drey then removed his aura before saying,

" Actually, there is a second bad problem".

"What the f*ck...", Jim was about to insult Drey again. However, when he saw the look on Drey's face he stopped.

" The second problem is that... Your hair has turned blue!!", Drey said.
