Practical Test Passed!!

"Shit! What do I do?!",Jim thought as he watched the bolts of lightning attack him.

"Ah yes I can do that!" an idea suddenly popped into Jim's head. With a thought massive rocks came out of the ground. And with Jim as the centre, they began to spin n a clockwise manner creating a trail of dust as they did. The lightning bolts with rapid speed and a mighty charge crashed into the spinning rocks.

*boom, Boom, Boom*

Loud and deafening booms was produced when the two powerful powers began to collide. The sound was so deafening that Jim had to cover his ears. As the spinning rocks began to fall the deafening sounds stopped. Jim then raised his head however to his surprise, the middle aged man was attacking again. This time, it was another physical attack with the familiar broadsword. This time, Jim was close enough to recognise the broad sword. It was a silvery sword with strange markings and runes carved over it. It was the same as the Broadsword his grandfather gave to him!

Sensing the arriving danger, Jim dodged to the left and did a roll on the ground escape the strike from the massive sword.


A crater was created as the broadsword hit the ground. Jim couldn't help but gasp as he looked at the massive crater created by a single strike. It seems that this man was resolute about his decision to kill him. This sent shivers down Jim's spine. "Hey! Who are you? Who sent you to kill me here? How did you get to my spirit space? Hey, Tell me. Where is Drey?!", Jim asked in anxious tone. He was sure this man was determined to kill him. So, he began to get anxious. He wanted answers.

When Jim asked the questions, the man surprisingly stopped the rapid attacks and said to Jim,

"Seems the boss was right. You have some skill. But it isn't enough to keep you alive!". After saying that, the man attacked again. This time he cast another spell. However, the spell took quite sometime to activate. Jim could sense that the next attack could definitely kill him. It was a very dangerous one.

"Take my strongest attack! " the middle aged man shouted as he swung his massive sword whiles shouting,

"Massive Dragon lightning Bolt Strike!"

Huge forks of lightning began to converge as they turned into a massive lightning dragon.

"Crap!", Jim was able to sense how dangerous the Dragon was. And so with a thought the scenery changed and huge mountains blocked the path between the lightning Dragon and Jim. Jim then began to ran towards the opposite direction. He knew the mountains weren't enough to stop the lightning dragon so he was trying to create as much space as he could so that he could create more mountains to block the attack.


The massive dragon gave out a loud roar as it dove straight for Jim.


Loud booms resounded in Jim's ears as the lightning dragon forcefully made its way through the huge mountains. The massive mountains were able to reduce the power of the attack however, they weren't able to fully stop the attack.

"Crap!" Jim said as he saw the huge lightning dragon approach him. He then continued to raise the mountains with his thoughts. The massive dragon continued to forcefully make its way through the mountains. The power of the attack was reduced anytime it hit the mountains. However, even though it was being reduced, it also continued to get closer to Jim.

"Oh no!", Jim said as he turned himself and saw the dragon so close.


The attack landed on its target. "AH", Jim shouted as he was thrown away by the attack. "Crap!", Jim said. That was because the middle aged man had already launched a physical attack on Jim as his broadsword was being thrown in a hacking action which was aimed at Jim's head. With his weak condition, Jim knew there was nothing he could do. So he closed his eyes and waited for death.


However, the attack never came.

"Hey kid, you did very well on this test.", an ancient voice entered Jim's ears. The voice was too familiar to Jim. It was Drey's voice. Jim then gradually opened his eyes only to see Drey's massive face in his view. "Drey, where the hell were you? and where is that man?", Jim said as he looked around him. "oh! That man was me. I transformed into a more suitable version of me so I could fight you.",Drey explained. "You can transform?", Jim asked in confusion. "Yes. You look.", Drey said to ji,m as his massive body began to shrink. It shrank till it turned to the middle aged man that was attacking Jim earlier. "Wow. So you can really transform. How did you do it?", Jim asked in astonishment. "that isn't what is important. What is important is that you have passed your first practical test. Don't you want to know how you passed?", Drey said.

"Oh yeah. How did I even pass the practical test? The only thing I did was to try and avoid death", Jim said in bewilderment.

"You were able to use the three fundamentals of fighting. The first one was you being able to use the power available to you at the moment. You were able to remember that this was your spirit space and therefore you raised rocks with your imagination to block my attack. The second was you being able to use the scenery. You raised large mountains so that you could block the attack. You did well. And as for the last one, you were very good at fighting at both close combat and range fighting. That is very important. Close combat is why humans are still at the same level as monsters. Humans are good ranged fighters since they are all mages. However, monsters are all beings who fight using close combat. So if a monster could use his body to get closer to a mage on the battle field, the mage would die for sure on less he or she is a person who can fight at close combat.", Drey explained.