Wrinkled Bedsheet

"Mr. Ying?"

She slowly stood up, the cat held close to her. He did not say anything but leaned his head sideways to look behind her. His amber eyes widened in surprise at the scene.

Three men were lying on the floor, battered and bruised. There was also a small knife lying in the corner of the area.

'Just what the fuck happened here?' he thought, raising an eyebrow.

Lai pressed her lips together, and the cat meowed.

"I have so many questions," he told her, furrowing his brow, "but first..."

He took off his black coat and wrapped it around her, adjusting it around her shoulders to make sure she was fully covered.

He knew that she was probably cold, considering she was drenched and occasionally shivered.

"Thank you," she spoke softly.

He nodded and tucked a few loose strands of her hair, which had come loose from her high pony during the fight, behind her ears. She flinched as his fingers touched her ears, feeling a slight blush appear on her face.

'Stop it, stupid!' she internally yelled at herself, 'Why are you blushing? This is not the time to be blu-'

He cleared his throat, and she looked at him. She found him busy talking to someone over the phone. Now that she had taken a good look at him, the man was really, really handsome.

His black, well-groomed hair was set on a handsome, worried face. His amber eyes would occasionally dart at her, then to the men lying on the floor behind her, and back to her again.

'This is so embarrassing!' she thought, pressing her lips together, 'He will be my boss soon, and he got to witness such a thing? Argh! Feeling super embarrassed right now! He must think I'm a brute.'

"...yeah. Get your men over here. Okay. Thanks, Delan. Sure."

With that, he hung up.

"Was that the police?" she slowly asked him, and he nodded.

"What exactly happened here?" he asked her, still holding the umbrella up to cover the her and the cat.

She quickly glanced behind her at the men lying semi-conscious and lamenting in pain.

"Oh, this..."

She then faced him and told him everything.

"I see," his amber eyes darkened.

She got a bit scared upon seeing his darkened eyes and irritated expression. Was he irritated at her? Or was it the men behind her?

She couldn't tell.

'Did I just irritate a mafia boss?' she rubbed the nape of her neck and mentally slapped herself.

"You're not hurt, are you?" he asked her, his sudden irritated expression turning into a worried one in a matter of seconds.

She shook her head 'no,' surprised by his sudden change of expression.

"Compared to them," she pointed at the men behind her, "I'm totally- ACHOO!"

His eyes widened.

"Let's talk inside my car," he told her, grabbing her groceries and walking away from the scene.

"What if they get up and run?" she asked him, occasionally turning to look at the groaning men.

He laughed.

'Damn,' she bit her lip, 'His laugh is so deep and sexy.'

He opened the door of his car for her and, shutting it, stared into her hazelnut eyes.

"I don't think they'll be running any time soon unless by some miracle god decides to heal them here and now."

She parted her lips to say something, but no words came out, and he smiled. He placed her stuff in the boot and walked to the driver's seat, stepping inside his car.

He found her stroking the cat, who was now sleeping and curled up on her lap.

'All that trouble for a cat, huh?' he wondered, amused by this unpredictable woman, 'What a strange woman.'

"ACHOO!" she groaned and sniffed, "Oh no. Don't tell me I got a fever in that short span of standing in the rain?"

'And it looks like she was rewarded a fever in return for saving this cat,' he sighed.

He held out his his crisp, clean white handkerchief and ushered her to take it.

"Oh n-no. I can't possibly-"

"Just take it," he cut her off as she waved her hands frantically.

He placed it in her hand and smiled.

"It's no big deal."

She nodded and thanked him, smiling apologetically. She blew her nose and held the handkerchief in her hands.

"I still cannot believe you took down those men," she heard him say, a hint of awe and amusement in his voice, "Are you an Amazon warrior, maybe? A secret agent, perhaps?"

She raised her eyebrows.

"Like Wonder Woman or one of the Men In Black?" she asked him.

He nodded, and she couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, feeling giddy and relieved by his remark.

'At least he doesn't think I'm a brute,' she smiled, 'What a relief.'

He watched as her pale face filled with colour as she let out another soft chuckle, a tint of blush present on her soft cheeks.

"No, Mr. Ying," she said, wiping a few tears from her eyes, "I can assure you that I'm not an Amazon warrior like Wonder Woman or a secret agent."

"Bummer," she heard him utter playfully.

She smiled, and they heard the sound of police sirens. She felt her body tense up and pressed her lips together.

Two police cars parked outside the supermarket.

"You stay here. I'll be right back," he told her, stepping out of the car with his red umbrella.

She nodded, and he left. She remained in the car, staring into space. What would the police think? She was in so much trouble.

'Am I going to jail?' she wondered, panick-stricken.

Just then, she heard a tap on the car window. The sudden tap caused her to flinch in surprise. Looking up, she saw a police officer and rolled down the car window.

"Good day, ma'am," the male officer greeted her, "I'm Officer Delan. I need to take your statement."

She nodded, and he offered her a police form and a black pen.

She filled in her statement and glanced up to find Mr. Ying standing with another police officer at the scene of the crime, which she somehow felt had turned into her crime.

'Well,' she bit her lip, 'It is not my fault they were so drunk. Besides, I really tried to fight with half my strength. I didn't go all out this time.'

That's right, 'this time.'

She had been in countless fights where she sometimes helped people who were being abused or assaulted if she came across them.

She handed Officer Delan the statement form, and he smiled.

"I-I'm not in trouble, am I?" she stammered, looking nervous.

Officer Delan shook his head, 'no.'

"Don't worry, ma'am," he told her, "The supermarket has a hidden CCTV camera there, so we saw and heard everything that happened."

She looked down and let out a breath of relief.

"You should join the police force," she heard him say, causing her to look at him in surprise.

"We need more kind-hearted and strong people like you," he added, "What you did was amicable, but do be careful next time."

He then smiled at her.

"Thank you for your time," he told her as Mr. Ying approached them, "You should go to the hospital to get yourself checked as I saw they hurt you."

"I'm not that hurt, but thank you for your concern," she nodded.

"Of course. Take care," he waved goodbye then turned around.

She saw Officer Delan talk to Mr. Ying, and he nodded at what the officer was speaking.

"He even has connections with the police," she mumbled.

She wasn't surprised though as it was something she expected. She watched as the officer and Mr. Ying shook each other's hands and then walked their separate ways.

She rolled up the window and leaned her head back on the seat, feeling drained and relieved that she wasn't going to jail.

Mr. Ying entered the car sat on the driver's seat and grabbed the car keys.

"Let me-" he began as he started the car.


"-take you back home before your fever gets worse," he finished.

"What's your address?"


"Miss Lai?" he asked, his eyes glued to the road, "Your address..."

He paused when he took a quick glance at her and found she had fallen asleep. The sound of her soft breathing filled the car, and he sighed.

"Ah, never mind," he said, turning in the direction of his house, "My house will have to do for now."

Lai woke up to find the white cat fast asleep on a large, soft pillow on the floor. She stared at the unfamiliar ceiling and room.

Her mind was muddled as her body was slightly burning up and aching.

"Don't tell me I have a fever?" she mumbled, placing her palm on her burning forehead.

She groaned and stared down to find that she was no longer wearing her drenched clothes but instead had changed into a baggy black t-shirt and loose-fitting pants.

She looked at the wrinkled bedsheet and gasped.

"What the?" she pulled the shirt she wore by the neck to stare at her chest for any signs of bite marks or anything unusual.

Did he do something indecent to her while she was unconscious?

"Don't worry," she heard Mr. Ying say as he stood by the door, smirking, "I didn't do anything indecent to you while you were asleep. I don't take advantage of vulnerable women, nor do I force myself on them."

She quickly put her hands on her lap, feeling embarrassed.

"What? I wasn't thinking of such a thing," she lied, clearing her throat.

Mr. Ying had entered the room with a bowl of rice porridge. He had changed into casual clothes, a loose white shirt, and black pants.

His black hair was a bit wet and hung loosely on his face.

'Damn. The guy is really, really sexy,' she thought.

She shook her head and slapped her red, flushed cheeks. He looked at her flushed face and thought she looked adorable.

'Get it together, Lai Xiulan,' she told herself with pressed lips, 'A guy like him probably has a girlfriend or tons of rich, famous, and beautiful looking women lined up for him to choose. Know your place.'