The Heng Family (II)

"Since you live far from the university," Lang stated to Teng, "I think it would be best if you lived in the dorms. It'll make traveling to university easier."

Xieran nodded in agreement.

"Little Lang is right," she smiled, crossing her arms, "Living on-campus will benefit you."

Teng nodded. He knew that would help him a lot because commuting from home to university and back every day would take a toll on his pocket.

Not to mention, be time-consuming.

"I'll go to the university today and speak to the dorm manager," Teng told his siblings, "I was planning on going today anyway. Besides, I need to quickly sort this out since I will be leaving in a few days."

They were sitting by the pool as it was a fairly hot day. Xieran was lying on a chair under an umbrella while Lang did a few laps.

"I don't want you to go, though," Lang pouted, "I don't want to be left alone with...her."

Lang stared at Xieran, who rolled her eyes at him. Teng chortled as he stood up and brushed some sand off his pants.

He was wearing a short-sleeve purple shirt with long blue pants.

"I'll head over now before it gets dark," he told Xieran, who quickly stood up.

"Do you need me to go with you? I can drive you there," she said to him, to which he shook his head 'no.'

"He's not a kid," Lang said, coming out of the water, "He can go by himself. Stop spoiling him so much! What about me? You act like he's the youngest and not me."

Lang pouted and crossed his arms. He looked cute standing there like a sulking puppy with water dripping down his body.

"Aww," Xieran said, walking closer to him, "Is out Little Lang jealous?"

She gently patted his head and smiled at him sweetly.

"No!" Lang immediately answered, turning his head with a "Hmph!"

Xieran and Teng laughed. The family knew that the only reason Teng was treated like the youngest was because of his introverted personality.

They didn't like how his personality made him soft-spoken and a pushover.

"I'm going now," Teng said, waving goodbye and leaving his siblings who were teasing each other.

"Be safe," Xieran said, "Call me if you need me!"

Teng had taken the subway and arrived at Waterfalls University an hour later. He stood outside the entrance of the fantasy-like university.

It looked more like a modern-day castle with six slim, square towers. These were the decoration aspect of this elegant university.

They were connected by lower, heavy walls made of light brownstone. Transparent windows were scattered here and there around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry.

A sizable sliver gate with giant wooden doors marked the entrance to the university.

There was a mini waterfall flowing into a small river on the left side of the university. It gave the university an elegant and natural look. Teng walked past the entrance and to the university.

A few students were walking in and out. Some looked like they were just moving in.

He stood by the elevator and pressed the up arrow. He looked at the flyer he had taken from the reception area. The flyer had a map of the university.

According to it, the dorm manager could be found on the third floor in Room 322.

He watched as the elevator doors opened and a few students stepped out. He strolled inside and pressed the number three button.

As he began to read his flyer while the doors started to close, a voice called out.

"Hold the lift, please!"

He looked up and did as the voice had asked. He noticed a red-haired male student walk in.

"Thank you," the guy told him, fanning himself as he just came from a basketball match with some friends.

'Wow,' Teng stared at the guy in fascination, 'So tall.'

The guy pressed the button for the fifth floor, and the elevator doors shut. It was just the two of them. Teng kept himself busy by reading the content in the flyer.

But all he wanted to do was stare at the tall guy. He was jealous of his height.

The guy must have been more than 180 cm tall.

The red-haired guy took a quick glance at the short guy, who, to his surprise, looked rather cute. Teng was more of a pretty boy who looked like a cute brown bunny compared to him.

The elevator doors opened on the third floor, and Teng stepped out, heading for Room 322.

"Damn," the red-haired guy softly said as the doors closed, "I should have asked for his name. Well, whatever."

At that point, the guy had been curious about Teng, who would be going to the same university as him. Meanwhile, Teng found the dorm manager's office.

He knocked on the door, and a voice told him to come in.

"I'll be with you shortly," the dorm manager said as he was busy signing some papers.

Teng had taken a seat in front of him and scanned the neat and clean office, which smelled like lemons. After about five minutes, the Dorm manager looked up from his papers.

"Hi. What's your name?" the Dorm manager asked, smiling at him.

"I'm Teng, sir. Heng Teng," he bowed at the dorm manager.

"Nice to meet you," the dorm manager said, "I'm Bisolta Chichigolva, but everyone calls me Chichi, so feel free to call me that too."

Teng nodded.

"I understand you're here for a room?" Mr. Bisolta asked him, to which he nodded.

The guy pulled out a stack of paper. He picked one and scanned through it, shook his head, and picked another.

He did that for about three minutes until he found one that caused him to let out a relieved sigh.

"You came just in time," he told Teng, "because rooms have been filling up rather quickly this year as we have many students coming from distant areas. There is a room available on the fifth floor."

Teng beamed and internally sighed in relief.

"Your roommate is already there," the man continued, "He came a week ago. He's an architecture student who's older than you. I'm sure you'll get along just fine."

"Ah, yes," Teng nodded, "Thank you."

The man rummaged through his drawer and took out an application form.

"I need you to sign this for me, Mr. Heng," he handed Teng the form and a pen.

Teng finished signing the form, and Mr. Bisolta signed and stamped it with the university's stamp.

"All done," he told Teng, "The room is number 512, and here are your keys."

He gave Teng the keys and a pamphlet.

"This pamphlet has the dorm rules, so be sure to read it. You can come live in the dorm as soon as you're ready. Just make sure you're here before the 21st as university commences on the 22nd."

Teng stood up and nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Bisolta," he said with a bow.

Mr. Bisolta smiled and nodded.

"No worries," he said, "Do you need help getting to the dorm?"

Teng shook his head 'no.'

"That's quite all right," he told Mr. Bisolta, "I can manage on my own. Thank you for your assistance."

"If you need anything or have any questions," the guy said, "don't hesitate to email me. My email address is on the last page of the pamphlet. You'll get to meet the dorm leader once he returns from a workshop. He's a computer engineering student."

Teng nodded, thanked him once again, and left the office. Mr. Bisolta smiled when Teng had left.

"What a sweet kid," Mr. Bisolta said as he went back to doing paperwork.

Teng stepped into the elevator, which was filled with other students and parents. He was about to press the button for the fifth floor but saw that it was already pressed.

He stood with his hands holding the pamphlet and brochure tightly. The elevator stopped on the fourth floor, and some students and parents stepped out.

It then stopped on the fifth floor.

He stepped out together with two other male students. He walked past the doors, reading each room number as he searched for Room 512.

Upon finding Room 512, he saw that the two guys from before lived in Room 510. One of the guys stood outside the room and watched him closely.

"Yo, Nagaaki," the guy's roommate called out as he placed his bag on his bed, "Aren't you coming in?"

Nagaaki called his roommate to see what he was seeing.

"What? What is it?" his roommate asked and looked in the direction Nagaaki was pointing at.

The roommate's eyes widened as he stood next to Nagaaki.

"Oh, fuck."