Goddess of Strength and Speed (IX)

The next match was between the General Management and Finance Departments. Chi-Chi stood on the side as she watched the event commence.

She already knew the outcome of the game - the General Management Department was no match for the Finance Department. Just as she figured, the match ended sooner than everyone expected.

With the Finance Department winning.

"The Finance Department advances to the semifinals!" Chi-Chi congratulated the department.

Members of the Purchasing Department exchanged glances, wondering if they had what it took to defeat the Finance Department - if they won against the HR Department.

However, deep down, they knew that it was impossible.

The Finance Department was just way too strong. They always dominated in the tug of war. The next match was between the HR and Purchasing Departments.

The winner became the Purchasing Department and exuded immense strength and teamwork. Na whispered to Lai.

"I wonder who will win between them and the Finance Department when competing."

Lai wondered the same as both teams had almost equal power and teamwork.

"Could I please have the Sales and Operations Departments," Chi-Chi said, brushing loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

The two departments stepped out into the middle of the court.

"Good luck!" Lai smiled at the Sales Department, giving them a thumbs up.

The tug of war commenced, and the Sales Department again prevailed. They cheered in excitement, their faces beaming with delight.

"I feel like with Lai on our team," Lingxin began, "We have a lucky charm."

"I agree," Zhenya quipped, humming a happy tune.

"We've never done so well in these events before," Na furrowed her brows, nodding in agreement, "I think we're more desperate than ever to win this year or even come out in the top three."

Jingyi sighed.

"It's cause the Finance Department keeps provoking us," he explained, "So I think besides having Lai help us with the racing events, which we all suck at, to be honest-"

"Hey!" Zhenya shouted, playfully punching his right arm, "We're not that bad...right?"

Zhenya looked at Na, who said nothing. Jingyi and Lingxin exchanged knowing glances.

"My gosh! So we are?!" Zhenya asked upon seeing that no one was responding to her.

Lai let out a soft chuckle, finding Zhenya a little cute. She quickly covered her mouth. Zhenya pouted, crossing her arms.

"In any case," Jingyi continued, giving Zhenya a smile, "We want to beat them so that they can stop looking down on us."

Na clenched her fists, giving Mo Bi a legendary wide-eyed glare. Mo Bi caught her staring and glared back.

Lai could feel the tension between both women.

"Could I have the Purchasing and Finance Departments here, please," Chi-Chi announced, "We have now reached the semifinals! I'm sure we're all excited regarding who will compete with each other in the finals."

Na stood next to Jingyi, her arms crossed sternly across her chest. They observed as both picked up the rope. The match began.

As Lai eyed both departments, it felt like she was watching King Kong confront another King Kong.

"Wah," Zhenya mumbled, "It's like two monsters with equal power and force battling each other."

The match between the two departments was intense, but at the end of the game, the Finance department prevailed.

"Not gonna lie," Lingxin declared, "But that was actually an exciting match. It was neck and neck."

Na shrugged.

"Ha! I've seen better."

Lingxin smiled at her. He knew that of all the employees in the Sales Department, Na hated the Finance Department the most.

She disliked a particular person, Mo Bi. She always avoids her as if she were a Balbonic Plague carrier. Lai watched as the Sales Department strolled toward the rope.

It was their turn, and in this semifinal, they were up against the Operations Department, who had gone to the semifinals by default. Both departments pulled the rope with all their might.

"Oh, the Sales Department wins!" Chi-Chi reported as an employee from the Operations Department fell to the floor.

This had caused the Sales Department to overpower them. Lai clapped happily, grinning from ear to ear. The final match commenced right away between the Sales and Finance Departments.

She watched as Na and the rest struggled since the Finance Department had muscular men only.

Although the Sales Department tried to hold out, they failed to defeat the Finance Department. Lai sighed and clasped her hands together - still pleased that they gave it their best shot.

Fan Qing winked at Na, who rolled her eyes.

"Maybe next time," he teased Na, who scoffed as she sauntered away.

"And that concludes the tug of war!" Chi-Chi exclaimed, "The Finance Department is first, Sales is 2nd, and Purchasing is 3rd!"

The employees clapped their hands, shouting congratulations and cheering loudly.

"We will take a five-minute break as we tally up the scores and announce our top three winners," Chi-Chi smiled, "I'm sure we're all anxious to see who has managed to bag the prize of the Cerulean Luxury Hotel and Spa weekend getaway!"

Zhenya bobbed her head, clasping her hands together. While the points were being tallied, Lai had sat down with the employees of the Sales Department.

"Hey, Lai," Na began, "How do you cope with being Bai's PA? If it was me, I would have strangled him by now."

Zhenya and Jingyi laughed. Lingxin placed his head on his hand, leaning forward.

"You see," Na began to explain, "Bai and I attended the same high school and university."

Na ushered her to lean forward. Lai raised an eyebrow and leaned her head forward.

"He's a total cold person," Na whispered to Lai, "Not to mention super bossy."

Lingxin laughed.

"Well, he IS our boss, so he'll obviously be bossy."

Na shook her head.

"You guys wouldn't understand," she shrugged, closing her eyes, "Bai has always been bossy way before he took over his family's business. Anyway, he's pretty nice when you get to know him."

Lai smiled. He was super nice to her.

"However, I'm the only one that can be mean to and tease him," Na grinned, "since we are friends, though he hates to admit it."

"I think Lai is managing just fine since she hasn't quite yet," Zhenya said.

"Yeah," Lai nodded, "I am managing. In fact, I'm extremely grateful that he offered me this job."

Lingxin and Jingyi smiled at her.

"I've noticed that Mr. Ying's expression changes into a soft one around you," Jingyi said, tilting his head up as he stared at the ceiling.

Lai pressed her lips together, unsure of what to say. She hasn't really noticed since she doesn't know his personality well.

"It surprised us all when he announced that he had found a new PA considering what his previous PA did," Zhenya whispered, causing the others to nod.

"I've been told that a lot," Lai expressed, "I heard about what happened. It's really tragic and unbelievable."