Captain of the Basketball Team

Note: Zhou's POV

"Okay, everyone," Mr. Rong stated, "Gather around."

Mr. Pan Rong was the basketball coach at Waterfalls University. Zhou and his teammates gathered around him.

"As you all know," Mr. Rong continued, "that tomorrow is the basketball game against Silverleaf University. I want you all to have a good rest. Don't do anything that will jeopardize your performance tomorrow. Now go home and get some good ol' rest."

"Yes, coach!" the team exclaimed in unison.

The basketball team went to the changing room to shower.

"Zhou, come here," Mr. Rong called out to him before he could leave.

He walked to the coach, and they sat on one of the benches.

"As you know," the coach began, "tomorrow's match is crucial. As the team captain, I need you to be in your best condition."

"Yes, coach," Zhou nodded in understanding.

"Go straight home and relax," the coach continued, "Get your head ready for the game tomorrow."

The coach then stood up, causing Zhou to do the same.

"Let's both do our best tomorrow," the coach told him with a smile.

Zhou nodded, and Mr. Rong pat his shoulder and left the basketball court. He walked to the changing room and found Tang Luoyang, his fellow teammate, and friend, changing his shirt.

"He gave you a prep talk?" Luoyang asked him upon seeing him enter.

Zhou nodded and walked to his locker - situated next to Luoyang's.

"Tomorrow's match is important, considering a chance for us to qualify for the Elite Wings Basketball Championship is on the line," Zhou stated as he began to undress, "And we never participated in it last year, so it would be nice to do so this year, don't you think?"

Luoyang nodded.

"That's only because our team sucked before you came along and joined," Luoyang chuckled and gently punched his shoulder, "Our saviour, captain."

Zhou laughed, grabbed his towel, and went to shower. The basketball team was indeed a mess before he joined it last year.

The team lacked confidence in themselves and were not skilled enough. They didn't participate in basketball championships ever since the seniors left the team three years ago because of graduation.

The other teammates, who heavily relied on their seniors, lost their will to play and win against other teams because they felt their anchors and strong players were gone.

When Zhou showed up a few years later, it was like a ray of sunshine had hit them.

He was quickly promoted to team captain by his coach and teammates. Thanks to him, the performance of the Waterfalls University basketball team improved.

This year would be their first time participating in the Elite Wings Basketball Championship after three years of inactivity.

"Well," Zhou informed his teammates, grabbing his gym bag, "I'll see you guys tomorrow afternoon. Make sure you don't go drinking tonight! Don't even think of fooling around cause if you do, I'll make you regret it."

He smiled eerily at the last sentence for dramatic effect. The teammates nodded vigorously and waved goodbye as he left, and they also left one by one.

"Knowing brother Zhou," one teammate, a 2nd-year Biology student, "He really meant it. It makes me shudder just thinking about what he'll make us do."

"A thousand pushups?" one student commented.

"Maybe running five laps around the athletics field?" another suggested.

"Or running till we can't feel our legs?" another muttered.

Luoyang laughed and closed his locker.

"Whatever it is," he commented, "Make sure to listen to your captain and head straight home."

"Vice-captain," a 1st-year computer science student jokingly began, "How about a drink tonight?"

Luoyang gently hit him on the head.

"Very funny," he smiled and waved goodbye to the other guys in the changing room.

Zhou walked to the cafeteria to grab a drink at the vending machine. He took out his phone and inserted a note in the machine, pressing on the drink he wanted.

When the drink fell down, he picked it up. Sitting at at a nearby bench, he scrolled through his phone.

'He should be done with classes now, right?' he wondered, pressing the drink to his face, which was hot from his training.

"Well, yeah," he mumbled, "It's four right now. I don't think he has any extra activities today. Let me call him."

He stopped his finger on Teng's phone number, which he had saved as 'Bunny Teng' with a bunny emjoi next to it. He dialed the number, putting the phone to his ear as he took a sip of his drink.

"Hello?" a voice said.

"Bunny Teng," Zhou cooed, his face lighting up at the sound of his roommate's voice, "Are you done with classes? Let's go back together."

"Okay," Teng chirped, "Where are you?"

"At the cafeteria by the vending machines," Zhou replied.

"I am on my way," Teng told him.

Zhou nodded and hung up. He leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. Sighing, he gently massaged his neck. Just then, Anya and Yijun walked by. Anya's face lit up automatically upon seeing him.

"Brother Zhou," she waved as she walked towards him.

"Teng's group members, Yijun and Anya, right?" he asked, standing up, "Hi."

"That's right. Nice to see you again," Yijun smiled at him and shifted her eyes to his gym bag, "Did you just finish basketball practice?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "We have a big game tomorrow night."

"I will be there to support you!" Anya cheered, clapping her hands, "I am your number one fan, after all."

He smiled at her. Looks like they both let go of the incident that occured last time between them.

"Are you both done with classes for the day?" he asked them, to which they nodded.

"We're going out to eat," Yijun told him.

Anya then had a great idea.

"Why don't you join us?" she eagerly suggested.

He shook his head 'no.'

"Sorry, I just want to rest. I'll eat at the dorm-"

"Zhou!" Teng exclaimed, rushing to his side and out of breath.

He looked at Teng, who smiled at him with a flushed face.

"Did you run a marathon to get here?" he joked.

Teng gently nudged his side and sighed.

"I just didn't want to keep you waiting," he explained and then shifted his eyes to Yijun and Anya.

'Fuck! This brat again,' Anya internally screamed, 'He keeps ruining my chances to talk to brother Zhou. He keeps popping up - god dammit!'

"Oh, hi ladies," Teng greeted them, "Heading home?"

Yijun nodded.

"Well, we better get going," she told them, "We'll see you tomorrow, Teng. Good luck with tomorrow's game, brother Zhou. Unfortunately, I won't be there to show my support. But I'll be there in spirit in a not-so-spooky way."

Zhou smiled at her.

"No worries. Take care on your way home," he told the girls and turned his attention to Teng.

The girls walked away.

"Want me to carry your bag for you, Bunny Teng?" Zhou asked him, "It looks super heavy. What have you got in there? Rocks?"

"Ha ha, very funny," Teng sighed, "I have my mechanical, electrical, and electronic instruments. We were doing an exercise today to assist us with our group assignment. The lecturer told us to bring them."

Zhou pressed a finger to Teng's soft cheek.

"You sure it's not rocks?"

Teng brushed his finger off and playfully rolled his eyes.

"If it makes you happy, then yes. It's rocks. Now, let's go and stop asking silly questions."

Zhou laughed and pulled out a drink from the side of his gym bag.

"Here," he pressed it to Teng's face, "Drink up, Mr. Marathon Runner."

Teng pouted as he took the drink.

"Thanks, and stop teasing me," he frowned as his face flushed red, earning a chuckle from Zhou.

"Okay, okay," Zhou smiled as they began to walk back to the dorm, "Bunny Teng, I'll make us something delicious for dinner tonight."

"All right!" Teng smiled happily, "I know it's gonna be delicious."