A Moody Mafia CEO

A few days had passed. Lai was just a day away from going to the Cerulean Luxury Hotel and Spa. She and the Sales Department employees were over the moon.

They constantly kept in contact in the group chat. She was happy that she had managed to make some friends in this ever-so-large company.

Although she was in a great mood the whole week, the same could not be said for Bai. He was the opposite, and she noticed his change in mood began after the athletic meet.

Not sure how to bring it up, or if she should even bring it up, she just ignored it and focused on doing her job.

"Good day, Mr. Sheng," she heard him say as he turned his chair to look at her, "You want to have a meal with me?"

She was busy photocopying a contract.

"Right now?" she heard him ask, a hint of irritation in his voice, though it was not too visible.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes.

"Yes," he opened his eyes and glanced at her.

She began stapling the contract pages.

"Of course, I will check my schedule and let you know. Yes. Bye, Mr. Sheng."

With that, he hung up the phone and sighed loudly.

"I swear this man always wants me to dance to his rhythm," he clicked his tongue in annoyance, "just because I'm somewhat close to his daughter."

He stood up and walked to her station, placing his hands on the table and leaning forward as he stood across from her.

"How's my schedule for, let's say, the next two hours?" he asked her.

She was seated and stapling the photocopied contract. Pulling out her diary, she turned to her notes.

"You're free until 1 P.M., Mr. Ying," she told him as she read his schedule.

She looked up and met his amber eyes.

"However, you have a meeting with the manager of Storm Records regarding the contract renewal for one of their models at 1 P.M."

He sighed again and nodded.

"Okay," he walked towards his chair and grabbed his suit jacket, "We're going to have a meal with Mr. Sheng."

He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to the man's number.

"Yes, sir," he said, opening the door as Lai grabbed her handbag and phone, "I'm on my way."

She rushed to his side, and they walked out of the company building. Bai's driver opened the door of the company car, a black Jaguar XF.

Bai sat inside. Lai opened the door to her side and sat down, softly shutting it. The ride to the restaurant, where they would meet Mr. Sheng and have a meal with him, was quiet.

Bai did not want to meet her eyes, and she wondered why - feeling like she would go crazy. Many thoughts raced through her head, wondering when she said or did something wrong.

She began to panic and was about to ask him if something was wrong when the car suddenly stopped. The driver rushed to open Bai's door. He stepped out, buttoning his suit jacket.

She sighed and got out of the car, standing next to him as they headed inside Orient Class, a restaurant with private rooms.

"There's a reservation under Mr. Sheng," Bai told the lady at the counter.

The lady nodded and began to meticulously type something on the computer. She looked up from the monitor and smiled.

"Mr. Sheng is in Room 5," she informed him, "Do you need one of our waiters to escort you?"

Bai shook his head.

"No need."

She followed close behind him until he stopped outside a wooden door with a huge number 5 plastered onto it. He opened the door and stepped inside.

"Mr. Sheng," he greeted.

Mr. Sheng, an old man, was on his phone and looked up with a smile. He stood up as Bai approached him. They shook hands.

"It's good to see you, Bai." Mr. Sheng welcomed.

The old man then leaned his head to the side, raising an eyebrow upon noticing Lai, who bowed at him.

"And who is this beautiful lady?"

Lai bowed again, smiling politely.

"Good day, sir," she said, clasping her hands together, "My name is Lai. I am Mr. Ying's PA."

Mr. Sheng nodded and stepped forward, leaning his head forward and stretching his hand for her to shake. She extended her hand and shook his.

"So you're the famous new PA I've heard about?" Mr. Sheng grinned, "I've been dying to meet who Bai had hired to replace his old PA. Though, I have no idea why you let him go. He was quite skilled."

Lai's eyes darted from Mr. Sheng to Bai, who was not saying anything. It seemed not many people knew why he fired his previous PA.

'Looks like he only told a select few about why he fired his previous PA,' she concluded.

She looked back at Mr. Sheng, who was still smiling at her.

He was an old man in his late 50s and one of the shareholders of Nero Incorporated. Suddenly, to her bewilderment, she noticed that he subtly caressed her hand - which was still in his - with his index finger as he let go of her hand.

"Please take a seat," he ushered her and Bai as he walked back to his seat.

Lai's eyes slightly widened.

'D-did he j-just...' she paused and shook her head, 'Nah. Maybe I'm just out of it since I'm worried about Mr. Ying's uneasy mood toward me.'

She sat down next to Bai, Mr. Sheng across them.

"I hope you don't mind," Mr. Sheng began, looking at all the dishes on the table, "But I ordered a few dishes. Help yourselves, and feel free to let me know if you need anything else."

"This is quite alright and more than enough," Bai spoke, "Thank you. Please, let me pour you some tea."

Mr. Sheng nodded, and Bai picked up the teapot, pouring him some green tea in his cup.

"Would you like some?" he quietly asked her.

She shook her head 'no.' He poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip.

"The reason I wanted to have a meal with you," Mr. Sheng began as he drank his tea, "Is because of my daughter."

Bai passed a bowl of rice to Lai, who thanked him.

"Is something wrong with Yue Er?" he asked the old man.

The man sighed and placed his cup on the table.

"You know how she's incredibly smart compared to her brother," Mr. Sheng began to explain, "But she wants nothing to do with the family business. I tried to speak to her, but she won't even listen to me, her father."

Lai watched as Bai placed a piece of meat on top of the rice she had scooped onto her chopsticks.

"Have some meat," he quietly told her with a smile.

She smiled back and thanked him. Slowly putting the spoon in her mouth, she felt like she was going to melt at the spiciness of the meat.

It was tasty and juicy.

She closed her eyes and slightly smiled.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Bai asked the old man, hiding a smile upon seeing the happy face she made.

He did not eat anything but instead was focused on his tea. She felt awkward that she was the only one eating.

"Can't you try and speak to her again?" Mr. Sheng pleaded, "I know I already made you do this, but please help me again. Yu Er only listens to you. She won't listen to her brother or me."

Lai wondered who Yue Er was. She watched silently as Bai half-smiled as if tired of doing this all the time.

"I'll try," he said, "But I can't guarantee that she will agree. You know as much as I do that she wants nothing to do with the company."

The old man sighed.

"Well, she's the heir to the company," the old man shrugged, "so she has no choice."

The man sipped his tea.

"The sooner she learns and accepts that, the better it will be for herself and our family."