Maybe He Can Change II


"Okay, okay," Zhou said, placing his arms out with his palms forward in a defensive manner, "I'm sorry. I'll treat you guys to lunch. How about it?"

"Master Zhou!" Fu exclaimed as he abruptly stood up, startling everyone in the room, "I will serve you forever!"

"Stop talking nonsense and sit down, Fu," Qigang rolled his eyes.

Teng softly chuckled, causing Zhou to smile at him.

"Oh, right," Qigang continued, "This is Xiun Yijun and Song Anya. Ladies, this is Feng Zhou."

"Senior Zhou," Anya stated, leaning forward and grinning, "I'm your number one fan."


"Now that the formalities are out of the way, shall we order?" Zhou suggested a few moments later .

Everyone nodded, and they ordered their lunch which consisted of sandwiches and drinks. When the waiter came with their food, they began to chat and eat.

Zhou grabbed Teng's chocolate milkshake and put the straw in. He gave him the drink.

"Ah, thanks," Teng smiled, drinking the milkshake.

"Wow, it's almost as if you guys are a couple," Yijun commented, causing Teng to choke on his milkshake.

He was surprised by the remark. Zhou quickly grabbed a box of tissues that were placed in the middle of the table.

"I'm so sorry," Yijun immediately panicked, thinking she had said something she shouldn't have.

Zhou handed Teng the tissues while rubbing circles behind his back to soothe him.

After a while, Teng was back to his old self. Although a little flustered.

"A-are you a-alright?" Yijun inquired, a worried expression on her face, "I didn't mean it in a homophobic way or anything."

And she really didn't. Teng shook his head in understanding.

"It's okay. I'm fine, and I understand what you meant," he stated.

While Qigang was eating his sandwich, he looked up at Anya, who sat opposite him. His eyes widened when he sensed what felt like an aura of jealousy, hatred, and disgust emanating from her.

She was looking at Teng with her silver eyes, which had darkened with malice.

'Senior Zhou didn't even acknowledge me,' she internally scoffed while looking at Zhou, 'when I introduced myself. He just brushed me off. That pisses me the fuck off.'

She took a sip of her iced americano.

'And it's all his fault,' she quickly glared at Teng, who noticed her staring at him.

He stared back and gave her a smile, utterly oblivious to her dark inner thoughts. Anya quickly forced a smile and looked away, only to be met with Qigang's sharp gaze.

It startled her. She quickly averted her eyes.

If there was one thing about Qigang, it was that he had a sharp eye. He was perceptive and had a keen sense. He knew something was wrong in the air surrounding Anya.

He was the only one who felt it and saw through her facade. He would keep a close eye on her.

"We're not a couple," Teng softly stated, cutting off Qigang's countless thoughts, "But we do get mistaken for one all the time. I'm kinda used to it now."

"Oh, sorry," Yijun slumped her shoulders, "I thought you were based on how sweet senior Zhou was acting towards you. And well, he is gay, so I-"

"Is me being gay a problem?" Zhou asked sharply, resting his chin on his hand and staring at her.

"No, no!" she replied immediately, waving her hands defensively, "I have nothing against gay people. I have a ton of gay friends, so so, um...Please don't misunderstand me!"

She mumbled the last part softly, feeling super apologetic as her face was as red as the colour of a ripe tomato.

"Stop teasing her," Teng quickly nudged the side of Zhou's chest, earning a grunt from him, "Don't listen to him, Yijun. He's just teasing you. He knows your intentions were pure. Please pay him no mind."

Teng smiled at her while Zhou held the side of his chest.

"I think you broke my ribs with your sharp elbow," Zhou softly groaned.

"Stop being so dramatic and apologize to Yijun," Teng ordered him.

"Yes, sir," Zhou nodded immediately and turned to Yijun, "I was just teasing you. I went too far and made you flustered, right? I'm sorry."

He bowed, causing Fu to laugh. Zhou looked like a sad puppy that was being reprimanded.

"Brother Zhou is playful like that, Yijun, so don't take everything he says or asks seriously," Fu informed her.

"We've fallen for his tricks countless times," Qigang nodded in agreement, "so we understand how you feel. He has a way with words."

Yijun was utterly speechless, unsure of how to react and respond. Meanwhile, Anya was increasingly annoyed that she wasn't being given any attention.

She cleared her throat, and fake smiled.

"You're so funny, senior Zhou," she softly laughed, "That was too much for sweet Yijun to handle."

Zhou glanced at her.

"Are you two friends?" he asked her.

Yijun shook her head 'no.'

"Just classmates," Anya replied, "Though I would like to be her friend. In fact, I would love to be friends with all of you!"

"Yeah," Fu nodded excitedly, "Let's work hard together, everyone. Let's ace this assignment."

The others nodded. They began to talk amongst themselves. Zhou looked at Teng and leaned toward him.

"Bunny Teng," Zhou whispered in his ear while Teng drank his milkshake, "What's the assignment about?"

"We have to make a prototype car and do a presentation," Anya abruptly answered before Teng could.

Zhou looked at her and leaned back on the seat.

"A car, huh? That's interesting."

Anya saw that Zhou didn't want to speak to her. He had no interest in anyone except Teng, who was finishing his sandwich.

"Master Zhou," Fu began, "How's basketball practice? Are you guys ready for next week's Friday match?"

Zhou nodded.

"We've been practicing hard, so I believe we'll be ready and win the match."

"As expected from the captain of the basketball team. So inspiring, Master Zhou," Fu smiled and nodded.

"Are you going to keep calling him 'Master Zhou' now?" Yijun laughed.

Fu smiled and crossed his arms.


Qigang and Yijun sighed in unison. Startled, they exchanged glances and chuckled.

"Ah, look at the time," Teng exclaimed, staring at his watch, "I have a class in 10 minutes. I should get going."

"Shoot!" Fu blurted after checking his phone, "I didn't know that was the time. We better get going so we can get the best seats."

They all began to stand up and gather their things.

"Thanks for the meal," the girls thanked Zhou in unison.

He nodded and watched as Yijun waved goodbye and left.

"You guys go first," Teng told his friends, "and save me a seat. I will meet you there."

Fu and Qigang nodded and left after thanking Zhou, who smiled at them. Anya was still in the café with Teng and Zhou.

She took out her cell phone and stood in front of Zhou.

"Ah, brother Zhou," she began, "Please can I add you on the Cube."

Zhou looked at Teng and raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry," Zhou said after a moment's thought, "I can't."

Anya's eyes widened in surprise.

"What? Why not? It's not like I'm gonna bother you by messaging you every hour of the day."

Zhou nodded but crossed his arms.

"I know, but I don't use my phone that often, so it will be a waste of time for you. I'm sorry."

Anya pouted, feeling disappointed.

"Oh, okay. Well, as your number one fan," she smiled, "may I ask you something, brother Zhou?"

He nodded in response.

"You're not really gay, are you?" she inquired, tilting her head to the side, "I mean, how sure are you that you only like men? I'm not trying to be rude or anything. But how sure are you that you are only into guys? What if you can change? What if you have just never met the right woman? What if-"

Before she could continue with her multitude of bizarre questions and rambling, Zhou cut her off by raising his hand.

Teng had held his breath the whole time, feeling scared of the change of expression on Zhou's face - the guy was slightly pissed.

He noticed his roommate was trying to hold himself back and not lash out at Anya.

"Listen," he sighed and said sharply, "I'm not a kid who just decided I'm gay on a whim. I can't change how I already feel. Anyway, don't ask me such questions again."

"What? I wasn't-"

Zhou then held Teng's hand. They walked out of the café before Anya could finish her sentence and before Teng could say something to appease the tension surrounding Zhou and Anya.

Once they stepped foot into the university, Zhou let go of his hand.

"Don't worry, Bunny Teng," he told Teng, who had a worried expression, "I'm not angry at your friend or anything like that. I can tell from your expression that you're feeling uneasy. Anyway, you should get to class before you're late."

Teng looked up at his tall red-headed roommate. Other students were walking past them.

"Sorry about her behavior," Teng slumped his shoulders, "She's a nice girl, so I'm sure she didn't mean any harm."

Zhou smiled at him and nodded.

"Go to class, Bunny Teng. I'll see you later."

With that, Teng watched as Zhou's silhouette disappeared little by little as he left for the dorm since he had no classes today.

"That was so discomforting," Teng sighed and looked at his watch, "Oh no! I'm gonna be late. I better run to class."