Babysitter for the Weekend?


"I'm not jealous," Zhenya pouted.

Na and Lai softly chuckled.

"How childish," Na pat Zhenya's head like a kid, "Enjoy your lunch, Lai. Don't mind this brat here."

Lai laughed again and waved goodbye. She headed for the ground floor and found Fan Qing talking to Gina. He was carrying a large blue box.

Upon seeing her, he said goodbye to Gina and headed her way.

'Ah,' she groaned, knowing what was about to come, 'Here we go again.'

"It must be my lucky day," Fan Qing began flirtatiously, "I get to see an angel. Why don't you let this human take you out to lunch? It's on him."


Fan Qing pointed to himself with his left hand while holding the blue box with his right. The box looked heavy, but he carried it like a feather. He was nicely built.

"No, thank you," she told him, "I already have lunch plans."

"Aww. That's too bad," he moped, feeling heartbroken.

She could have sworn she saw dog ears drooping from his head. He looked like a dog that was denied a treat by its owner. Now she felt bad for him.

So she quickly added a, "Maybe next time."

And just like that, the imaginary dog ears she saw sprung up. She thought she saw him wagging his tail.

'Ah, he looks happy now,' she sighed.

"Really?" he asked with eager eyes, "You promise?"

"Uh-huh. Yes," she smiled, thinking he was getting excited like a kid, which she found a bit cute, "No need to get that excited about it, though. It's just lunch."

"Yeah, but it's lunch with an angel," he proclaimed, "There's a big difference."

Bai was currently on the phone with his niece, Sara. Bai was one of three children. He had an older biological sister, Adnet Shufen, and a step-brother named Ying Shao. Shao and Shufen were like fire and ice. They did not get along because Shufen was a strict older sister to Shao. Mainly because he had a carefree or reckless nature, which was not good for his idol career.

On the other hand, he got along well with Shao because Shao saw Bai as his role model. Seeing him work hard made Shao a hardworking idol and younger step-brother, despite his carefree nature. His brother had no interest in being part of the family company. Much to his mother's dismay, he just wanted to be an idol.

"Hello, uncle Bai," Sara chimed, a cute giggle escaping her lips.

"Sara!" he heard his older sister exclaim, "Did you take my phone from my bag again?"

"Sara wants to talk to uncle Bai!" Sara whined, throwing a tantrum when her mother quickly grabbed the phone from her.

"Hello, little Bai?" Shufen watched as her daughter pouted with crossed arms while she held the phone to her ear.

"Hello, sister," Bai responded, closing his office door and heading for the elevator.

He waved at Na and Zhenya, who waved back and smiled at him.

"Enjoy your lunch," he saw Na mouth.

He nodded and entered the elevator, pressing the 'G' for the Ground Floor.

"Sorry, Sara has been wanting to spend the weekend with you," Shufen began to explain, "So I told her I would call you to ask. Seems like the little rascal was too impatient and found my phone to call you herself."

"I wonder where she gets that impatience from," he joked, shifting to the side as other employees entered the elevator and immediately bowed to him.

He smiled at the employees and dismissively waved his hands to tell them they didn't need to bow. He wasn't some young master. Well, technically, he was a young master of the Ying mafia. But it was rather suffocating for him to be treated this way, as he had been treated this way since he was a kid.

"Please let her stay with you for the weekend," his sister begged, "I have a 2-day art exhibition this weekend, so I will be swamped with work. I don't trust babysitters much, considering what happened the last time."

'Uh,' he recalled that horrifying ordeal, 'That was really traumatic, but thankfully Sara was too young to remember anything.'

When Sara was a year old, Shufen and her husband hired a babysitter known for carrying out her tasks very effectively. She was trusted by many people. Family members and friends recommended her to Shufen, so the woman was hired.

At first, things were going well, but then she noticed that the babysitter was behaving strangely. She would go out with Sara and come back late in the evenings causing Shufen to panic, thinking something had happened to her precious daughter.

One day, when Shufen and her husband returned from a business trip, they found the babysitter, and Sara was nowhere to be found. She couldn't ask Bai to look after Sara at the time. He had his hands full because he was suddenly thrust with becoming the family company's CEO after their father's death.

She and her husband tried calling the babysitter but to no avail. The woman was not picking up her phone. Shufen had cut ties with her family, not wanting to associate herself with the mafia. She had seen her fair share of blood and chaos. She did not want that life anymore, especially for her daughter.

So when she had to enlist her mafia family's help to find her daughter after cutting ties with them, everyone could tell that she was desperate. She had nowhere else to turn to. The police were useless at that time. With the help of her mafia family, her daughter was found.

Bai had been the one who found little Sara unconscious and sleeping on a bed that was half-eaten by moss. Sleeping in a room that smelled like rotten eggs. It enraged him so much when he saw how frail his niece had become, how much thinner she had gotten. And all for what? Money? Fame? What was the babysitter's purpose for all this?

"Why?" Bai had asked the crazy woman at that time, clearly enraged.

When the babysitter did not respond, he put the gun to her head.

"You better speak before I get more annoyed and decide to pull the fucking trigger!" he had barked, veins throbbing in his neck.

The babysitter was shaking and trembling with sobs. She mentioned that she did it because she was told she could earn billions of dollars by selling Sara to the highest bidder at an illegal underground auction. When Bai heard that, it seemed like his once beautiful amber eyes lost their spark and became these dark demonic eyes full of anger and resentment.

He did not hesitate to pull the trigger, causing blood to splatter on the moss-covered white walls and the side of his face. It wasn't the first time he had ever killed someone. News of what he did spread to other mafias and gangs, but no word got to the police. Since then, Bai had been nicknamed 'Hot Devil' because he would kill without hesitation, regardless of gender.

Now in the present, as he stood in the elevator and watched employees enter and leave, he sighed. He was happy that Sara had forgotten about such a terrible ordeal. Mainly because it was traumatic for not just her but her family as well. It's not easy being someone with a high status or wealth because there will always be people who want to see your downfall or hurt you and your family.

"I don't mind. You know she's always welcome."

He heard his sister sigh in relief.

"You're the best little brother ever!" Shufen complimented him, "Can I bring her over in the evening of Friday? Let's say around ten o'clock?"

"Yeah. No problem. I will see you then."

Shufen put the phone on speaker.

"Say goodbye to uncle Bai," he heard her tell her daughter.

"Bye, uncle Bai!" Sara chirped, "Sara will see you soon. Make sure you have lots of candy-"

"This child," he heard Shufen mutter in the background with a sigh.

"-and have lots of books ready for me. Sara likes when uncle Bai reads her stories!"