Niece's Peculiar Taste


Before the elevator doors fully closed, Na and his eyes locked. She smiled at him, waving goodbye.

He leaned his body on the wall of the elevator and sighed.

"I really do have a lot of competition," he acknowledged, "And it doesn't help that she has been rejecting my advances. She also seems hesitant to like me back. It could be because I'm part of the mafia."

He ran his fingers through his black hair.

"But this is a part of me that I can't help being from since I was born to mafia parents. However, I will not give up on making her fall for me. She is my light and treasure, after all."

When he got home, he had a shower. While in the shower, he was in a trance. Lost in thought.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Na had mentioned:

"In fact, most of the guys in the different departments find her attractive."


That line kept playing in his head repeatedly like a record player; 'In fact, most of the guys in the different departments find her attractive.' It made him highly agitated.

Before he knew it, his whole body was red because he had lingered in the shower for too long. He sighed. By the time he finished showering and dressing, there was a knock on the door.

He pulled on trousers and a light blue sweater. With his black leather slippers, he stepped out of his room and headed for the door downstairs.

When he opened the door, his legs were unexpectedly pushed back by the impact of Sara hugging them.

"Uncle Bai!" the little girl chirped excitedly, burying her face in his legs while wrapping her arms around them, "Sara is here!"

His sister strolled towards him, hauling a small pink suitcase behind her.

"Sara, I told you running like that is dangerous," Shufen scolded, "What if you get hurt?"

Bai crouched down and lifted Sara, who was pouting, up. He was now carrying her.

"Little Sara!" he beamed, "How is my cute little niece?"

Sara placed her tiny arms on his chest and then grinned, leaning back so she could look at her uncle.

"Sara is happy to see and spend the weekend with uncle Bai!"

He smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Shufen smiled at the sight of her daughter and little brother getting along.

"Sister Shufen," Bai told his sister, "You could have just come inside. You know the password anyway."

She gave him a quick hug and stepped inside the house.

"Yeah, I know. I was just being courteous. Anyway, I will go leave her stuff in the guest room," she told him, walking up the stairs to the guest room.

The only two people who knew the lock password was Shufen and Lai. His sister also had a spare remote for the gate so she would not have to wait for him to open the gate.

"Uncle Bai?" Sara fidgeted, bending her head, "Did you miss me too?"

He couldn't help but chuckle as his gaze fell on the little blonde-headed girl. Sara was a lovable 3-year-old mixed child.

She had perfectly groomed blonde hair, which she had worn in pigtails. She got the hair color from her father. Like her mother, she had expressive amber eyes.

Her small amber eyes glanced up at him, gleaming with expectation at his answer.

"Of course I did. I missed you a whole lot," he expressed, driving her to rub her plump cheeks against his hard chest.

"Sara is glad because I missed uncle Bai," she paused and spread her arms wide to show how much she missed him, "this much."

He pinched her plump cheeks and smiled.

"You're way too cute," he told her, and she giggled.

Shufen came downstairs and crossed her arms. She then gave Sara a kiss all over her cute face.

"Mummy," Sara whined, "Too much."

"I can't help it," Shufen sighed, "My Sara is just so adorable. I'm gonna be so lonely without you."

Bai glanced up from Sara to his sister. He smiled at her.

"Don't worry about her. She'll be in good hands. You just focus on the exhibition. We will video call you tomorrow when you're free."

"That's if mummy will be awake," Sara interjected, sulking, "Mummy will probably be tired from working."

Shufen buried her face in her hands.

"That is true. Can you give mummy a hug that will give her tons of energy to keep her awake?" her mother stretched out her arms.

Sara nodded and went into her mother's arms, hugging her tightly. She then placed both hands on her mother's cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"There," she nodded, "That kiss will give you stronger energy to be strong like Wonder Woman. You can do it, mummy!"

Shufen was almost brought to tears.

"What did I do to deserve such an angel?" Shufen hugged her daughter tightly.

"ACK! Can't breathe," Sara groaned, causing her mother to put her back in Bai's arms and pat her head.

"Sorry, I got too affectionate. Now, you be good for mummy, okay?"

Sara nodded energetically.

"Sara is always a good girl."

Shufen smiled and looked up at her brother.

"Little Bai," she told him, "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to tell me. I may not be able to pick up the phone right away when you call or leave a message, but I will respond as soon as possible once I'm free."

Before closing the door, she smiled at her brother and daughter.

"Thanks again, little Bai. Bye-bye, Sara!"

With that, she closed the door and left. Bai looked at his niece, whose head was lying on his shoulder. Sara was silent, and he wondered why.

"Are you missing mummy already?" he asked her, to which she nodded.

He pat her on the head. Walking to the kitchen, he gently sat her on the kitchen counter. She watched as he walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of water to drink.

"Sara," he began after taking a gulp of water, "Have you eaten yet?"

She shook her head 'no.'

"Is there anything you want to eat?" he questioned, "Just no candy, though. I was given strict orders from your mother. I don't want her to hit me on the head for disobeying her."

Sara leaned back and looked up at the kitchen ceiling, furrowing her eyes, deep in thought. After a while, she looked down and beamed.

"Hamburger steak!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air, "Sara wants to eat uncle Bai's delicious hamburger steak!"

He smiled and nodded.

"Perfect choice, little lady," he praised her and opened the freezer.

He started cooking, first making sure Sara was nowhere near the kitchen. She was in the lounge watching Dokki-mon, a popular kids' show.

(Note: Dokki-mon is similar to Pokemon)

He poured a cup of orange juice into her favorite pink mug. Walking to her with the mug in his hand, he watched as she observed the show, not daring to look away.

As if afraid she would miss something important if she did.

"Drink up," he conveyed, placing the cup on the small table, "And be mindful not to spill the juice."

She nodded and grasped the mug.

"Orange juice!" she piped, "My favorite."

He observed as she drank it halfway. He couldn't comprehend how she could enjoy sour and bitter tastes at such a young age.

Usually, girls her age preferred sweet flavours. On the other hand, she was into lemons, oranges, sour worms, and sour sweets.

It's something he was always fascinated about.

'She probably got that from her father,' he thought, strolling back to the kitchen, 'After all, my sister has always hated bitter and sour tastes.'

He continued with the cooking. When he was done, he dished the food. He set a hamburger steak on each of the two plates.

He then dished out rice in two bowls. He held the dishes and walked to the kitchen table, positioning the food on the table.

Once he was done, he wandered to Sara, who had finished her juice.

"Come, little one," he cooed, "It's dinner time."