A Grueling Basketball Match


"Hey!" Luoyang exclaimed, getting dragged by Zhou to where the other teammates were standing and others sitting.

"Okay, guys," Zhou began his motivational talk, "Our opponent, Silverleaf University, is here. We start the match in five minutes. Let's get our head in the game-"

Although he said to get their heads in the game, his was not.

"-and do our best, just like we practiced. Our aim is to win the Elite Wings Basketball Championship this year. We should aim high and work hard, so we have no regrets."

"Yes, captain!" the teammates placed their hands on their chests, eyes burning with passion.


"Let's show everyone what Waterfalls University is made of!" one teammate, a student from the architecture department, added.

"We're taking the trophy this year!" a student from the business administration department bellowed.

"I'm all fired up now - wah!" Luoyang roared, fisting his hands in the air.

Zhou grinned proudly as he observed his teammates get fired up, brimming with vigor.

"Oh, and one more thing," he added, leaning forward, "The coach said he will treat us to a meal if we do well."

"Will there be lots of meat?" one engineering student questioned with anticipation.

Zhou nodded.

"Do you even have to ask? Of course, there will be lots of meat," one teammate beamed, mouth wide open.

"Urgh, you're drooling!" another teammate flinched in disgust.

Some of the teammates hugged each other in excitement. Others gave each other high-fives.

"Alright, let's do our cheer," Zhou told them, placing his palm in the middle, "It's almost time for the match to start."

The teammates placed their palms on top of each other.

"On the count of three," Luoyang instructed, "One...Two...Three!"

"W.U! Let's go!" they roared.

Mr. Rong, who was monitoring them from afar, brimmed with pride. He treasured the passionate aura they were radiating. He just desired them to play hard and have fun while they were at it.

He would be thrilled if they could win this match and qualify to participate in the Elite Wings Basketball Championship.

As Zhou went to take his place, his small green eyes scanned the bleachers once more, looking for his roommate. Some students had rushed to the court just before the door closed after finishing their lectures a bit late.

"We made it!" one student softly cried, wandering to the bleachers.

"Why'd the professor have to keep us for another ten minutes? I thought we were gonna miss the big game," another conveyed to his friend.

Zhou's eyes widened when they landed on who he most desperately wanted to see, his cute roommate.

'He's finally here!' he internally screamed with excitement.

Teng, Fu, and Qigang were among the students who had run to the basketball court after being held up by their professor during the lecture.

The whole time, the brown-eyed guy had sat worried in the class, wondering if he'd miss his roommates big match.

His eyes were darting from the wall clock to the professor and vice versa.

Thankfully, Teng made it in time, though a little out of breath. When he walked up the bleachers with his friends, he saw Anya.

Their eyes met, and she smiled at him, ushering him and his friends to join her since there were empty seats next to her. He walked up and sat next to her, with Fu sitting on the seat next to her and Qigang.

Teng greeted her with a smile.

"Glad you could make it in time," Anya told him with a fake sigh of relief.

Again, Qigang saw through her facade. Ever since he figured out the kind of person she was, he didn't like her. Not. One. Bit.

Zhou and Teng's eyes met, him standing on the basketball court and Teng sitting on the bleachers.

It felt like the busy world had reached a standstill at that moment - like it was just the two of them. As if everything else had disappeared and left them only.

Zhou received a smile and wave from his cute roommate.

"Good luck," Teng mouthed to him.

Zhou received those precious words with a nod and wave.

"Thank you," he mouthed back.

Anya saw their small exchange and internally scowled. Thus, the basketball match began with exciting cheers. As much as Waterfalls University had improved its basketball skills over the years, Silverleaf University was also no joke.

They provided good competition for Zhou and his teammates.

"Let's go, W.U! Let's go!" the female students cheered while holding their handmade banners.

They were cheering as if they were at their favourite idol's concert. It was exhilarating.

The simple fact of a basketball court being smaller than an outdoor field meant that it was somewhat more effortless to attract and hold a crowd's attention.

Some of the female students guided the other students in a chant.

"It feels like I'm at a concert, somehow," Teng told Anya with a giggle.

She was thinking the same thing. It was her first time going to a basketball game. She wasn't interested in sports.

And if it wasn't for seeing Zhou again, she wouldn't have come to the game in the first place.

"I know, right," Anya responded, "Well, brother Zhou is like an idol, so in a way, it makes sense."

She leaned forward.

'That's why I'm here anyway. To see him, my idol and future boyfriend.'

Yeah, the girl was delusional. The first score was given to Waterfalls University, which riled the crowd even more. However, every time Zhou scored, the other team did the same.

It was a tight match. Luoyang, feeling a little pressured, performed an air ball. This is when a player throws the ball, and it flies the length of the court but still misses the hoop.

"Let's not be hasty," Zhou told him with a quick pat on the back, "We still have time."

"Right. Sorry," Luoyang immediately responded.

When the whistle blew for halftime, the guys were glistening with sweat. They were huffing and puffing, trying to catch their breaths as adrenaline pumped through their veins.

"Great game, guys," Mr. Rong complimented, clapping his hands, "You guys are putting up a good fight. Let's not feel too pressured."

"They are quite strong, I'll give them that," Luoyang stated, pulling up the shirt he was wearing and wiping his sweat, "I ended up going for an airball because of that."

Because he was wiping the sweat off his face, he revealed his tight abs, earning squeals from the female students and admiration from the male students.

"I wish I had a body like that dude," one male student told his friend from the bleachers.

"Keep wishing," his friend replied with a chuckle.

The team then huddled together.

"Yeah," Zhou agreed with Luoyang, "But we're doing very well. Let's try not to be hasty, or we'll make unwise decisions. Let's keep up the momentum, guys, and push harder. We can do this. I believe in us!"

"Yes, captain!" the teammates roared.