A Drunk Bunny and a Confession


"Cooler than me?" Luoyang pointed to himself with raised eyebrows.

"Way cooler!" the guys immediately responded, earning an, "Argh! You guys are mean to me too. Not fair," from Luoyang.

"They're drunk and too excited, so don't worry about them," Zhou sighed and stared at Teng, "Eat the meat before it gets cold."

Teng nodded. He performed a brief dance after each bite of meat. The meat was tasty, and their victory in the basketball game made it much more delicious - the sweet taste of victory. The beer paired well with the perfectly seasoned and grilled meat.


Sadly, Luoyang could not partake in any alcohol because he would be the one to take everyone home after this. Zhou drank two beers.

Zhou, in contrast to Luoyang, had a strong tolerance for alcohol; he could consume five bottles without becoming excessively tipsy.

Teng's situation was different. Zhou had no idea how or who had done it, but Teng's cola had been laced with alcohol.

Teng had already downed the concoction before he could intervene and stop him.

Teng uttered a hushed, "Oh no," feeling a horrible, burning sensation in his throat.

He then cocked his head toward Zhou, who was leaning close. Teng started speaking softly in his ear.

"Why does this taste like alcohol and not cola?"

Zhou groaned and pondered who might have been responsible, stating, "Seems like someone mixed the drinks or something."

Someone suddenly yelled, "What the fuck!?"

It was the person seated next to Teng.

"Who drank my concoction?" after consuming the former Teng's cola, the guy questioned, "Was it you?"

The guy asked his teammate seated across from him.

The teammate countered, waving his fists in defense, "No way!"

So what happened was this; Teng had picked up the incorrect glass while glancing at Luoyang, with whom he was interacting.

He ultimately drank the mixed drink instead of his own. Teng was talking to his friend when the guy next to him did the same and grabbed his glass without noticing.

The man realized what had happened and chuckled, commenting, "Oh, well. I'll simply create another!"

Yes, it was humorous, but not to Teng, whose tolerance to alcohol was at its absolute lowest.

Teng's eyes widened, thinking, 'Oh no, this is horrible. What should I do?'

Zhou said softly in his ear after noticing his distressed expression.

"It's okay, Bunny Teng. I'll keep an eye on you since I'm here."

Teng nodded, glad his roommate was there to assist him if he couldn't get home.

Which he had a premonition about.

They kept eating. Continued to drink. All of them were joyful. Zhou looked at his phone and noted it was close to nine o'clock. Because of the drinking, Teng had a flushed red face.

He was jerkily waking up while dozing off.

"His tolerance level really surprised me," Zhou muttered, " One glass only, huh? How adorable."

He looked at Luoyang, who immediately recognized what he was attempting to convey.

"You people can go on," Luoyang reassured him, "Don't worry about it. Leave these children to me!"

Some of the guys groaned.

"Who are you calling children!?" one guy yelled, wholly wasted.

"Is the captain leaving already?" another whined, also wholly wasted, "Don't go! Don't leave us with him."

By him, he meant Luoyang.

Luoyang snapped his tongue in irritation, "I take offense to that! Geez. You guys being drunk like this feels like I'm babysitting a bunch of obnoxious kids."

Another sober guy said, pointing to Zhou's roommate, "The captain has to go. Look at the state his roommate is in."

Another laughed, "Uh, his tolerance level is funny."

"Captain, be careful on your way!" another chimed in.

"Yeah," Zhou said, getting up and collecting his gym bag, "You guys, too. Avoid immoderate drinking. Since half of you are absolutely wasted, I'm certain half will skip the morning lectures tomorrow."

Another pointed at him with flushed cheeks, "You're wasted!"

"See?" Zhou groaned and shook his head, "I'll see you tomorrow, Luoyang. I'll take a cab with Teng."

Luoyang waved goodbye while nodding. Zhou helped his roommate stand up carefully. Teng's arm was flung over his neck as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

Zhou received the roommate's bag from the man seated next to Teng.

"Thanks," Zhou said goodbye to everyone before grabbing the bag.

When they exited The Prism, they were greeted with chilly air. He gently seated Teng inside a cab after hailing one.

The taxi driver proceeded to drive to their dorm.

At this point, Teng was sound asleep. He attempted to wake Teng, who was sleeping while standing on his shoulder, upon arriving outside the dorm gate.

"Mmm," Teng moaned, his cheeks turning crimson, "I w-wanna s-sleep."

Zhou responded, "For now, we need to walk to our dorm, okay? You can sleep after we get inside our room."

Teng huffed and puffed, "Then c-carry me."

He instantly backed away from Zhou and positioned himself in front of him.

"Huh? You want me to carry you?" Zhou arched an eyebrow.

Teng nodded and extended his arms, "Uh-huh. I w-want a p-piggyback ride."

The guy could not stand straight, and his sentences were slurred. He stammered continuously. Zhou sighed.

He spoke while squatting down and turning to face Teng.

"Okay, but get on quickly and let's hurry before the gates close and we are left outside."

With a smile, Teng put his hands on Zhou's broad, sturdy back.


Zhou lifted him off the ground. Their bodies were now pressed against each other. Zhou groaned as a result of Teng's neck squeeze.

"Bunny Teng, don't choke me now," sighed Zhou.


He was astounded at Teng's light weight. Teng rested his head on Zhou's shoulder after exhaling a worn-out sigh.

Zhou overheard him say, "Zhou's back is so warm."

"Is that so?" Zhou chuckled.

He felt Teng nod. They got to the dorm. It was a mission to open the door because, at some point, Teng started yelling at the top of his lungs.

"I'm so tall! The world looks so different from up here! Wow! I'm the king of the world!"

Zhou was trying to keep him quiet to not wake other students. When they got inside the dorm, Zhou positioned him on the bed and breathed a weary sigh.

"This guy," he muttered, covering his face with his hand.

He took off Teng's shoes and jacket, covering him with the blanket.

"Zhou is like a cool basketball god," Teng exclaimed, fisting his hands in the air, "You were so cool today!"

Zhou's green-eyed gaze was fixed on his face, admiring every inch of it.

"Was I that cool?" he asked Teng, who immediately nodded.

"Out of everyone on the court, you were the awesomest!" Teng cheered, his brown-eyed gaze fixed on Zhou's silhouette.

He could barely keep his eyes open, so he couldn't see what expression his basketball roommate was making.

"There's no word as 'awesomest,' you know," Zhou told him with a chuckle, "You must be really drunk."

"I'm not drunk!" Teng refuted with a pout.

"That's what drunk people usually say," Zhou smiled at him when he let out a 'Hmph!'

"Zhou is so mean to me," Teng yawned and closed his eyes, "Stop teasing me."

Zhou sighed and put their bags away.

He patted Teng's head and whispered, "Okay, I won't tease you. Now go to sleep. Good night, Bunny Teng."

His arm was suddenly jerked back as he was about to turn around and leave. After turning back to him, he noticed Teng had clutched his shirt.

He was also half asleep, trying desperately to keep his eyes open.

Teng moaned, looking like a sad puppy that didn't want its owner to go to work.

"Don't go, Zhou. Please don't go, okay?"

The straightforward request that moved Zhou caused him to widen his eyes.

Zhou internally screamed, 'Saying such a thing with such an innocent expression should be a foul.'

He sighed and crouched down.

"Okay. Please make room on your bed for me," he replied.

Teng nodded, moving his body towards the wall. Laying beside him was Zhou. Teng grinned as soon as Zhou's back touched his bed. He moved closer to Zhou.

Zhou felt Teng's head resting on his chest a few seconds later. He flinched at the sudden contact. He drew Teng in by carefully putting his arm around his waist.

"If you're uncomfortable, I can go back to my bed."

At first, he thought Teng would move away from him because of his touch, but he did not. He thought Teng would push aside the arm wrapped around his waist.

But he didn't.

Teng quietly declared, "I don't feel uncomfortable. I don't know why, but I'm really, really happy right now. My heart feels like it's going to explode."

Teng turned to gaze at his roommate.

"Feng Zhou, I must truly like you. However, I don't know if you'd like someone like me. I wonder..."

The bed was tiny, enough for one person. So they were cramped because Zhou was so big.

Teng, though, seemed indifferent to the size of the bed. He was merely content to feel Zhou's body heat.

His adorable roommate had just revealed something that he couldn't believe. He couldn't have misheard, right? Teng indeed claimed to like him, right? He received a drunken confession. Undoubtedly, that was a confession. Right?

"Y-you just said you l-like me, right?" Zhou questioned Teng in a bewildered and flustered whisper, "Bunny Teng?"

Teng, though, had closed his eyes. Zhou's heartbeat was audible to him. It relaxed him. Made him content. He was then out like a light, snoring softly.

Zhou was left shocked by what unfolded. He stared at Teng's sleeping face.

"No way."