A Cold Mafia CEO and a Flustered PA


Lai was getting dressed. She put on the dress Bai had purchased for her and her shoes and accessories.

"Ah, my hand can't reach the zip," she groaned as she tried to zip up her dress, "I need help."

She was hesitant to call him. It would be strange to ask for his assistance. At least, that's what she thought. Admittedly, she had no choice but to call out to him.

She was a blushing mess when he arrived. Her face flushed at the prospect of him seeing a portion of her bare back.

"I c-can't reach my zipper," she stammered, avoiding eye contact, "Uh, um... I'm sorry, but please assist me in zipping up my d-dress."


'Why are you stammering so much?' she screamed internally, 'It's not like he's going to see your whole body - gosh!'

She turned around as he nodded. She pushed her hair to the side. She was then aware of his hands on her back. His fingers brushed up against her back, causing her to flinch.

He snatched the zip and yanked it up. His gaze was drawn to her bare back. He noticed a beauty mark on the back of her neck while pulling the zip up.

'Ah,' he paused, 'I want to lick it.'

"...Ying? Mr. Ying, are you done?" she asked, causing him to look away from the beauty mark.

"That's right. All done," he said, shaking his head.

"T-thank you," she said as she turned around to face him.

When she faced him, his breath caught in his throat. She was stunning. The dress he had chosen for her accentuated every curve of her figure. Her shoulders were exposed due to the cut of her dress.

It wraps around her neck and falls into a fancy-draped neckline. It was a comfortable fit that took the focus away from her breasts without looking sloppy. Her arms were draped all the way down to her wrists.

The sleeves were a snug but comfortable fit from top to bottom, allowing for enough movement while remaining fashionable. The waist of the dress was wide, but it fit loosely. A small, elegant belt accentuated her waist without being overpowering.

The dress widened below the waist and had several asymmetric layers towards the bottom. The dress was the same length all around and reached just below her knees. She wore red bottoms that complemented her dress.

She topped it all off with large jeweled earrings. On her table, he noticed a subtle necklace. He took it and held it up to her.

"I'll assist you in putting it on."

She nodded and began to turn when he stopped her.

"You don't have to turn around. Just hold your hair to one side for now."

She did what he asked in a daze. He drew in closer to her. As he wrapped her necklace around her slim neck, she could feel his breath on her neck. Her heart was racing at a furious pace.

She was convinced she was going to die of a heart attack.

'Calm down, me,' she said as she pressed her lips together.

When he was finished, she felt his fingers graze her neck, causing her to flinch at the unexpected touch that left a burning sensation. She let go of her hair as he moved his head away from her neck. His hands aided in the styling of her hair.

She was still dazed as he helped her fix her hair.

'I'm glad I got to touch her beauty spot, even if it was for a brief moment,' he thought as he tucked some of her brown hair behind her ears.

As he drew his hand away, he noticed she had gone blank. Her face was the color of a tomato. She looked like she had spent too much time in the sun. He wanted to hug her because of how she appeared embarrassed, shy, and nervous.

He wanted to kiss those slightly parted, soft pink lips. To lick her beauty spot, which was visible on her milky skin.

"Are you all right?" he raised an eyebrow, fully aware that she wasn't but delighted in his ability to elicit such a reaction from her.

He was hoping he was the only one who could get her to react like this.

"A-ah y-yes," she blinked several times, "T-t hank you f-for y-your help."

He cocked his head, "Are you certain you're okay? You are stuttering a lot. Your face is also flushed. You aren't ill, right?"

He took a step closer to her. His face was only a few inches away from hers. Placing his hand on her forehead, he shook his head, "Hmm. You don't appear to have a fever."

He drew his hand away. They locked gazes, reawakening a longing she didn't realize she had for him. It shocked her to the core.

He drew his gaze closer to hers. He was on his way to kiss her. She was not backing away. In fact, she was not moving at all. She appeared to be stuck in place, like a statue.

His phone rang before his lips could meet hers.

He irritably clicked his tongue, "Fuck. Allow me to take this. We'll be out of here in ten minutes."

He exited her room. Her legs gave out, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Oh my gosh," she uttered, "What the hell was that? Where we going to kiss? We would have kissed if it hadn't been for that phone call, right?"

She shook her head, biting her lower lip. She sighed, telling herself to snap out of it. She nodded in satisfaction after checking herself one last time in the mirror.

She walked out of her room, clutching her handbag. Bai was standing there, waiting for her. He smiled when he saw her.

'Please don't smile at me like that,' she internally screamed, 'It messes with my heart.'

They exited the hotel room and entered the elevator. The business banquet was held in the hotel's penthouse. The penthouse was set aside for special occasions like these.

When they arrived, other businessmen and women gave them intrigued looks. There was the sound of jazz music. A buffet was available.

'It's him,' she thought as her gaze met the man Bai had dubbed 'Lay Ming.'

The man in question smiled broadly and waved to her. She vowed to herself that she would avoid running into him at all costs. She was holding Bai's arm as they walked to a table reserved for them.

Every company had its own reserved table. A waiter arrived with champagne glasses. Bai grabbed one for himself and one for her.

"Avoid that guy we met earlier," he warned her as he handed her the glass of champagne.

She nodded and sipped the delicious champagne from her glass. A man in his fifties approached the podium.

"Could we please all take our seats?" the man asked, wiping his brow that had become beaded with sweat - from standing under the lights - with his black handkerchief.

"The 55th bi-annual Business Banquet shall begin," he declared through the microphone.

Everyone took their places at their assigned tables. Lay Ming sat at the table with the 'Spiritronics' name tag, which Lai noticed.

'So he works for Spiritronics? I remember Na once telling me that that is the company's number one rival,' she wondered, ' Now I understand why these two were glaring at each other. They looked like they wanted to rip each other's throats.'

The banquet began with introductions of the various companies in attendance. The history of the banquet, as well as its accomplishments, were also discussed.

"Now then," the 50-something-year-old man clapped his hands, "Let's network and enjoy ourselves. Have a lot of fun, but not too much fun!"

At the end of his statement, the man winked and stepped down the podium, wiping his sweaty brow with his black handkerchief once again.

"If it isn't my sweet and cute little Bai," a husky voice sarcastically said, causing Bai and Lai to turn toward the man who spoke.