Do I Annoy You?

Note: Wen's POV

"How is it?" Ren inquired, grinning as he peeled another tangerine.

"Delicious, Uncle Ren," Yiren responded with a chuckle, adding another piece of tangerine to her mouth and chewing it.

"I told you," Ren smiled, "My family's farm has and grows the best, most delicious tangerines you could ever imagine."

"I believe you," Yiren chuckled again.

Wen could hear them as she spoke to one of the doctors assigned to her little sister.

"How is she?" she asked the doctor.

"Her blood pressure and sugar levels are back to normal," the man told her, reading the patient's stats on the clipboard he held, "And her bruises are slowly vanishing. Although, some bruises will leave scars on her body. She can get plastic surgery to remove the scars if she so wishes."

"Plastic surgery, huh?" Wen looked back at her sister, who was beaming at what Ren was telling her.