Codenames and Personas


'Seems like everyone arrived before me,' Bai thought, checking his watch, 'Well, we still have about ten minutes, so at least I'm not late. Father hates tardiness the most.'

Lai felt her vision go blurry. She shook her head and lightly slapped her cheeks. She couldn't afford her body to shut down now. Yes, she was exhausted. But she had to push back that exhaustion until she reached home.

She did not want to embarrass herself tonight.

She had to gain Chairman Tao's trust, or else she would lose her job. He would think she was incompetent and would probably not even think twice about replacing her with someone of his liking. 


She couldn't lose this job. Not with everything she has going on. Her father's debt. Her mother's hospital bills. Her own expenses too.

'No,' she thought, her eyes shining with determination, 'I have to do whatever it takes to secure my job. Whatever it takes.'