Mr Ying Likes You, Obviously


Wen linked her arm around Lai's and smiled.

"Let's not think tonight," Wen nodded, "It's been ages since we got to have fun, so let's just have fun and forget all the shitty stuff happening in our lives, okay?"

Lai looked at her and nodded, "Yeah. Okay."

They walked out of the cafe and headed to the arcade, Wonderland Arcade.

"We're not too old for this," Wen clicked her tongue when a teen looked at her with a side-eye, "So quit looking at us like we're a specta-"

"Ah!" Lai cut her off and pulled her away from the teen, "What's wrong with you?"


"What was that all about?" Lai sighed, burying her face in her hands.

"Sorry," Wen brushed her purple hair back, "I hate it when someone looks at me like that. Too much trauma."