
Main Living Room, 1st Floor

After she felt a very strong presence and left the dining room, Katya realized that there was an uninvited guest at her house that even the World Government officials would think again if they wanted to refuse this one's arrival.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Alucard, welcome and long time no see," Katya greeted as she descended the stairs. She was accompanied by Sebastian by her side.

"Long time no see, Katya, still beautiful like always," said Alucard. He waved his hand as he sat cross-legged elegantly on one of the sofas in the living room.

"Thank you for the compliment." Katya replied and gazed into the man's eyes,

Although the conversation seemed relaxed, there was actually a terrible aura that radiated from the two of them. The air pressure in the living room became increasingly tight and caused one doorman to faint because he was unable to withstand the tremendous pressure.

Alucard chuckled amusedly when he saw the living room doorman. The man was now suddenly on the floor like a tossed doll.

"I heard, a little crow decided to join you and even awaken the Cursed Heaven Sword?" said Alucard. In his hand was the wine glass that Sebestian served and he idly twirled it around.

"British intelligence is certainly quick on matters like this."

"Cats can sniff delicious food from a long distance, of course," said Alucard. He finally sipped the wine

"What does England want? And what do you want?!" Katya asked in a slightly raised tone. The pressure of her energy suddenly cracked the wall and broke the wine glass in Alucard's hand.

"Hahaha, I'm just a little interested in this boy," Alucard let out a characteristic laugh, low but it was already very intimidating.

"...and a little warning to you, England is watching the boy and his sword, and there are also many people in the Underworld who want talent like Ryo," continued Alucard with a grin.

"Then let them try, I want to see how far they have come since the Crusades," Katya said as she lowered her energy pressure.

Alucard smiled broadly and showed his fangs., "Hmm, to make it even more interesting, how about if your sweet daughter doesn't have to interfere in this matter?"

"No problem, I can handle that."

Alucard clapped his hands lightly with a smile "Hahaha! This is going to be interesting!" His laughter broke out as he imagined the chaos and flames in the White Raven.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"Nothing, that's all for tonight," replied Alucard as he got up from his chair and adjusted his red suit and put on his wide hat.

Katya got up from the chair and opened the door for Alucard. "Okay, you can go."

Alucard said nothing. He got up from his chair and hid his smile in the shadow of his wide hat.

"He never changes, does he?" Sebastian chirped when he saw Alucard disappear into the dark night.

"Can't help it, as fellow Underlord I can't touch him directly or all hell breaks loose," Katya said as she leaned back in a chair. She massaged her temples and sighed.

"How unfortunate," Sebastian complained.

"Right, where are the kids?" she asked.

"I believe they are having conversations in Elena's room," Sebastian replied.

Katya smiled widely when she heard that. "Well... let them be."

"Maybe we should order a cradle for your grandchild really soon, my lady."

"I'm not that old to become a granny, Sebastian."

They looked at each other and laughed together and left the messy living room. Once they were gone Sebastian's subordinates emerged from the hallway and cleaned up the mess.


The next morning, Ryo woke up with Elena's arms still hugging him. He slowly got up so as not to wake Elena.

Ryo crept towards the exit so as not to make a sound and he carefully turned the doorknob.

However, unexpectedly… Ryo actually bumped into one of Elena's maids when she was about to go in and he accidentally nudged the basket of clothes she was carrying.

The maid was about to scream in shock but Ryo reflexively covered the young girl's mouth.

"Ssshhhh!!!!" Ryo whispered as he placed his index finger in front of his lips.

"E-e-e… sorry I-I didn't know if Young Master was sleeping with Miss Elena, I would have left immediately,"

"It's okay, I'll be leaving soon anyway, what's your name?"

"Eee if you don't mind a lowly maid like me, my name is Emma Nightwing."

"Okay Emma, ​​I'm going downstairs, make sure you don't wake Elena, okay?"

"Good! Thank you, young master," replied Emma. She bowed her head and watched him leave the hallway..

When he almost reached his room, Ryo saw Sebastian already standing in front of the room and was about to knock on the door. The butler turned to Ryo when he heard his footsteps.

"Oh?" Sebastian smiled when he realized what Ryo might have been through with Elena last night.

"As you might think, last night I slept with Elena, but nothing happened, I swear," Ryo said in a slightly shaky voice.

"Yes, I have no right to ask something like that, Young Master," he said as he walked over.

"So, what do you need?"

"Mrs. Katya ordered me to wake you up, since you're awake, come with me on a tour of the White Raven after breakfast," said Sebastian.

"Give me 15 minute, I need to wash myself and change my clothes," Ryo said as he opened his room.

"I'll wait right here."

After he finished preparing himself, he took a simple check on the bite marks that Elena left for him in the mirror. Although it was not really deep as Elena's said, Ryo could feel the faint sting still remain. Luckily, the bite mark was easily covered by his collar shirt.

"Is this how vampires do hickeys?" Ryo muttered as he tried to hide it.

Once he felt decent, he walked out of his room. Sebastian turned his head as he heard a faint click on Ryo's door, and he took fancy on Ryo's stylish look. It really befitted and was presentable to his new environment that was filled with the bourgeois class society.

"Shall we?" Sebastian said and ushered Ryo to the hallway.

Ryo nodded and followed the butler's directions, time to see what kind of place this White Raven really is.