The Chambermaid

Elena woke up from her slumber when the sun finally went down. Even though she could walk out in daylight, her nature as a vampire made her more comfortable when she operated during the night. She groaned as her eyes slowly opened and she went to the bathroom to prepare herself.

"I think I drank too much last night," Elena muttered as she massaged her temples in front of the mirror. "Nothing a bath won't fix."

Elena sank her fatigued body on a fully prepared bathtub that her maids usually drew for her. Elena let out a relieved sigh as the hot water stung her bare skin, unfortunately, she suddenly remembered what she did to Ryo when she was drunk. Her face instantly blushed and she sank her head deep in the water.

Elena mumbled underwater for a few minutes and emerged once she couldn't hold her breath anymore. She poked her head out and shouted a little.

"You stupid brat! Ryo!"

She regretted what she had done and yet the sensation, the sweetness of Ryo's blood, still remained on the tip of her lips. Once Elena replenished her mood and felt less bothered by the incident, she went to her wardrobe to wear her tight, battle skinsuit that was equipped with the highest tech.

She prepare herself for the upcoming mission on her—endless— list.

A faint noise of a knock on her door alarmed Elena as she was done equipped herself.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"This is Emma, ​​I'm bringing your evening tea, Miss Elena," said the tiny voice from behind the door.

"It's not locked. Just come in," said Elena.

At Elena's command, a short girl came in with a tray of tea and various small snacks neatly arranged on ceramic plates.

Elena paid close attention to her new chambermaid. She was young but already qualified to serve the Katyushka family who had high standards. She wondered where Sebastian must have found this one.

Emma walked quietly and served the tea on the table. Her face looked a little nervous, but her movements as she poured the tea were elegant and without the sound of the tea splashing on the cup.

"Thanks for the tea," said Elena as she sat on the sofa and took a sip of the tea. She blew on it softly and realized it was still steaming.

Emma just nodded and didn't dare to look at Elena.

"Emma, ​​right? Sebastian should have brought the afternoon snacks when I was home. I prefer cocktails with light alcohol, but tea is okay too."

"I apologize for my ineptitude, I don't know your taste yet, Miss Elena," said Emma.

"No need to be so tense, by the way, where is Sebastian?"

"Yes, Mr. Sebastian has to accompany Mrs. Katya to the Middle East and I am in charge of serving you for a while,"

"The Middle East? Hmmm, King Solomon and the members of Parliament can't wait to take a step it seems. Interesting." said Elena. She took in the aroma of her Darjeeling tea and smiled a little. Usually, Sebastian would have said something, but Emma remained silent.

Elena glanced at her new maid. Emma's perfect posture and looks trained made her curious so she looked for data about Emma in the staffing database on her WristNect. Soon enough, the screen unraveled all the information about the girl

[Name : Emma Nightwing.]

[Sex : Female / 16 y.o.]

[Race : Half Dark Elf]

[Class : Archer Assassin]

[Rank : Rank C Rifter (Unofficial)]

[Origin : Dark Contingent]

When she read all of the detailed information, it made Elena a little interested in Emma's background. Someone like her was supposed to just be a maid? Nonsense. Elena planned to give her a special assignment.

"Hey, are you interested in entering the academy? I believe you have a great talent!" praised Elena.

"I don't have any talent," said Emma.

Elena put down her cup of tea onto it's saucer and took a glance on her chambermaid. 'Dark Contingent' she muttered as she remembered her past on that piece of damned plain in the south part of Earth a few decades ago.

She realized that Emma has a quite wicked background in the past. Moreover, Emma's true nature as a dark elf must be taken a fancy from Sebastian as head Butler of the house and give her a position in the household.

A little devil in disguise who was tamed by Sebastian.

"I know your background and who you really are, so no need to lie. I need someone I can trust to get rid of some of the rats in the academy," said Elena. On her face was a rather serious look.

Emma gasped and then lowered her head. "Understood," Emma said. There was the sign of knowing obedience.

"What do you need me to do Miss Elena?"

Elena couldn't hide her amusement and smirked, "There are two girls in Upper Class that's has been quite noisy lately. Rumour said they have been ensnared some innocent newcomer into a certain underground brothel and sold them into highest bidders."

Hearing such news, Emma's behavior shifted from a docile, innocent maid into a cunning little devil as her sclera on her eyes turned black. She said "I need a name"

Elena gave a satisfied smile to Emma when she could feel a murderous aura emitted from Emma's eyes. Really befitted as Elena's underlings to do some miscellaneous work for her.

"I will let you know when the time is right, as for now you just need to enroll in the academy and meddling with them, you'll spot them immediately as you enter Upper Class circle,"

"Yes, miss Elena," Said Emma as she bowed in obedience.

"Try to hold back, it will be more problematic if they died, just teach them some lessons."

Added Elena as she rose from her seat.

"I understand," Emma replied sincerely.

"Good! Now, I'm going to go on a mission. Tell the people at home, I'll be back when the new student admissions start," said Elena as she drained the tea in her cup.

And thus, Emma opened the door for her and ushered her until the courtyard.

"Now then, my real job has just begun," Said Emma as she tighten her maid gloves.