How to Cultivate

Two days before the acceptance ceremony, Ryo was still busy learning the secret sword techniques in the ancient book. His talent in martial arts, and the basic knowledge that Ryuji had taught him, made him quickly understand the essence of the techniques contained. Kuryu taught him the basics of cultivation before he practised the technique.

Kuryu watched the child entrusted to him study the book well.

[Ryo, you have more intelligence than Ryuji, but you have no foundation. I'll teach you how.]

"That's great, okay I'll listen,"

[Good, you better pay attention to what I'm about to show you.]

Then Kuryu displayed a long list of cultivation levels that Ryo had to go through.

[Gate Realm: Tier 1st – 9th]

[Sky Realm: Tier 1st – 27th]

[Sky Lord Realm: Tier 1st – 33rd]

[Transcendence Realm: Stage 1st – 66th]

[Mythical Realm: Stage 1st – 99th]

[God Realm]

[True God Realm]

Ryo's eyes widened when he saw the long list. He couldn't even imagine what kind of power he could gain if he reached a higher realm.

"Woaaah, it turned out to be really long."

[Of course, the path to becoming the strongest isn't easy, kid.]

"I wonder, have you ever met a human with a cultivation level above Mythical?"

[Yes, I know some, God Realm and True God Realm can only be counted on the fingers of this Earth.]

"Oh, really? Who were they?"

[Hahaha, it wouldn't be fun if I told you now, you haven't even opened your first gate yet, be strong, then I'll share my knowledge.]

"Tch, you stingy bastard, just watch! Not long, I will open the eighth gate!"

[Haha, in that case, opening the first gate is crucial, because the next gate will be able to be opened.]

"I'm getting impatient! What should I do?"

[Hmmm, okay, I will explain the various types of energy briefly. Natural energy has two main elements, namely Yin and Yang. These two energies contradict each other but also strengthen each other. From the friction of these two energies, 4 derived elemental energies are created, you guessed it?]

"Water, Earth/Stone, Fire, Air Elements?"

[That's right, from the friction of the 4 elemental energies, its derivative energy is created, namely Metal/iron energy, Ice, Lightning, and Plants. the average human can only master 2-3 natural energies at once depending on their suitability.]

"Then why not just gather Yin energy right away?"

[It's too early for you to collect Yin energy. Without understanding the derived energy first, your body will not be able to, because your body is created from a combination of various natural energies. Slowly now, try feeling the energy around you]

Ryo understood what he meant, he closed his eyes and tried to sharpen all his senses. Thanks to the help of the black energy that enveloped him that night, he could faintly feel the presence of natural energy around him, earth energy squirming freely in the ground, he seemed to feel various energies colliding with each other creating harmony all around.

"I feel it! Extraordinary! Maybe I became very sensitive when your Yin energy enveloped me that night."

[Good! Now, feel what energy suits you, try to communicate with your surroundings]

"I understand,"

Ryo sharpened his senses, trying to get closer to the energy around him. Slowly the earth energy approached him, followed by the energy of water, air and fire. Each energy seemed to be scrambling into Ryo's body and made him flinch in surprise.

"I just found out that although these energies are formless and intangible, they are very wild and difficult to control!" Ryo said breathlessly.

[Bah! Surrender? You said you would open 8 gates in less than a month? Are you kidding?]

Kuryu taunts with laughter made Ryo very annoyed and increasingly determined to conquer the energy that surrounds him.

"Talkative! Look at me. I will control one energy today!"

Ryo focused his mind and tried to communicate with those energies, he reflected on himself, what is the right energy for him. After hours of meditation, just before sunset, he managed to tame the energy of fire and air.

The two energies revolved harmoniously within Ryo's body, the first gate was fully opened, he could feel the energy entering, continued to rise to the second gate. And then the third gate. In just a matter of hours, Ryo's 2 natural energies could be gathered, he felt his body's vitality rising and his body was filled with the energy of fire and air.

"Woah!! What's this?! I feel my body lighter now!" Ryo was jumping up and down for joy.

[Congratulations, but don't get excited just yet! You still have to forge your body to go up to the next gate]

"Woohoo! What kind of training should I do?"

[Hmm, from tomorrow morning onwards, run 10km, pushup 100 times, squat 100 times, sit up 100 times, then swing your sword 1000 times!]

Ryo's face turned stiff when he heard that. But his determination to become stronger was burning in his heart. He realized that he was not the weak child who was always ridiculed and bullied anymore.

[Yeah, let's do it tomorrow. For now, the side effects will be felt in a little while] Kuryu chuckled when she saw Ryo's expression when the side effects introduced foreign energy into the body kicks in.

Ryo felt his body become very hot and then very cold. The residual energy in Ryo's body that he failed to purify began to fight and try to rebel.

"Kuryu! What is happening right now! Arrgh!"

[Just enjoy and don't fight back, catch your breath and let the pain flow. That way, you can also feel the energy of fire and wind.]

That way, Ryo could only curl up on his bed, cold sweat dripping profusely to wet the sheets, he grimaced until he was half crying from the pain all night and could only sleep peacefully after dawn.