A Vow

The tiring battle for hours that happened in the middle of the ocean finally showed its effect on all team personnel. It was because no matter how strong their bodies were, psychic fatigue certainly affected their body condition and made them all fall asleep in the soft seats of the plane.

Elena was no exception. She closed her eyes but looked deep into herself about the incident, a hint of guilt in her mind.

"Elena, this is war, it has to be done," Elena muttered.

Freyr slept curled up in the back seat, and Elena occasionally looked into the weak little one's eyes. But still, no words were spoken from her until the plane finally landed on top of the WRA Building tower in the early hours of the morning because the plane suffered minor damage.

When they arrived at the lobby on the first floor, hundreds of flashes of camera lights greeted them all. James, Rocky, and Rake were busy as they stepped towards the mass media and bragged about their prowess on the battlefield.

[Big Explosion in the Ocean! White Raven Extermination Weapon Trial!]

A news headline on a building's billboard showed amateur footage of a giant mushroom cloud in the middle of the ocean.

The big explosion in the middle of the ocean was certainly a hot topic for all elements of society. Headlines immediately popped up all over Billboard and Washington's social media. The Parliament building became noisy, spies began to fill the building as they searched for concrete information.

Meanwhile Yunyun, Siphone and Audrey blocked the reporters that wanted to approach Elena. Compared to others, she was busy with the hologram screen in front of her. Elena didn't want to ignore it all. Sooner or later, official information would be released by the World Government.

She tightly gripped Freyr's hand and walked out of the building area, of course, people's attention was on her and the mysterious little child as well. Elena made sure that Freyr wore a white hood, but the young one didn't want shoes and so walked around barefoot.

Alas Elena didn't have the patience and couldn't deal with the crowd of people that gathered around them, so she immediately called Sebastian to pick her up.

"Keep calm and look down. You'll be safe with me, that's my promise to your mother," Elena said as she gently pressed the small shoulder of the girl beside her.

[I'm going home first, I have other business, I'll leave the prize distribution to Yunyun]

Elena wrote a short message that she shared with the rest of the team.

[Roger that] they replied.

After a few minutes, five glossy black HoverCars with the interlocking 4 circle logo on the front bumper entered the pickup area in front of the building.

A well-built, white-haired driver dressed in a black butler tuxedo, got out of the HoverCar and greeted Elena. He was followed by 16 well-built bodyguards. To the surprise of the onlookers all of them wore dark glasses, and were dressed in black suits as they stepped out of the HoverCar almost in perfect unison.

"I just asked to be picked up. And you ended up bringing a dozen circus clowns, Sebastian," said Elena as all the reporters' attention was drawn to the luxurious HoverCar convoy.

"I see what you mean, Miss Elena, but it's important for your image," Sebastian replied.

Elena clicked her tongue when she realized Sebastian had a point.

"Well, it's up to you, thank you," replied Elena as she opened the door and lifted Freyr a little to get into the HoverCar.

Sebastian immediately gave the code to all the guards to give way. One by one, the luxurious HoverCars with steel shields under the expensive paint drove elegantly through the crowd.

"What about the Middle East?" asked Elena.

"Going smoothly. King Solomon will supply the White Raven with fuel as payment for our 'help' for them," Sebastian replied with a slight glance at the center mirror above his head.

"Then Ryo?"

"Yes, last night Madam had a chance to meet the Young Master at the Church and have a little chat," Sebastian replied.


"Hmm, I'm not sure. They were inside for quite a while, then I felt a huge energy fluctuation from within the underground library."

Elena frowned slightly, although she often went in and out of Alexandria, she never felt any strangeness about the various artifacts left by Ryuji. She then realized that the artifacts left by Ryuji were probably only activated by his heirs so she never felt anything.

"Whatever sacred object is passed down to Ryo, I'm sure it will make him stronger," said Elena with a small smile.

"I'm sure the young master will surpass Master Ryuji," Sebastian commented as he watched the little girl beside Elena from the rearview mirror.

"Miss Elena, may I ask, who is the little girl beside you?" Sebastian asked when he could no longer contain his curiosity.

"Oh, her? I'll explain the details later when I get home."

"I see," Sebastian replied without further questioning and focused on the road.

The HoverCar convoy now drove in Diamond Formation. The HoverCar that Elena traveled in was flanked by 4 other HoverCars when they entered the freeway.

The magnetic booster immediately roared louder and sent them flying higher. The asphalt road changed into the air path that could only be seen from the HUD windshield.

The HoverCar group finally arrived in front of the Mansion.

Katya, who had been waiting anxiously for Elena, immediately opened the door to welcome them.

Sebastian got out of the HoverCar, followed by the guards in unison out from the HoverCar and saluted their master.

"Good evening, madam," said Sebastian, as he placed one hand on his chest and bowed.

"Hmm, looks like we have an important guest tonight?" Katya said when she saw her daughter get out of the HoverCar. Elena led out a little girl.


Freyr immediately screamed hysterically, when she realized she was already in front of the mansion and saw Katya's figure. Her screams were so loud that they even deafened the bodyguards' ears.

"Yes, literally I'm bringing a princess as our guest," said Elena. She held down Freyr as the little girl kept trying to escape.

Freyr's screams stopped immediately, and she sobbed as she buried her face in Elena's shoulder.

They went inside as Sebastian gave the code to the guards, and they left the yard in an orderly fashion together.

Soon, all of them headed for the living room with the large fireplace in the alcove, while Sebastian headed straight for the kitchen after he opened the door for them.

"So what happened?" Katya asked with a motherly look as Sebastian closed the door tightly.

"In short, the Abyssal Creatures are actually the Siren people who invaded Earth. During the battle of the Cape of Hope 15 years ago they mutated. I had to finish off the Queen, and here she is now, Freyr."

"Poor child," Katya said as she got up from her sofa and tried to approach Freyr, who now sat in front of the fireplace.

"The thing is, I'm certain that the World Government was behind all of this mess. And somehow there is someone who orchestrated everything from the shadow to capture Ryo," explained Elena as she clenched her fists.

Katya sighed and glanced at Freyr, who was immersed with looking at the soothing movement of the fire. It seemed that she felt relaxed from what she saw.

"Well, I believe you know the drill to deal with exo-creatures like her. I'll leave her to you since it was your choice to save her and bring her to this house," said Katya as she sat back in her seat.

"I know that much," Elena replied and gently held the little girl's arm.

Freyr tried to retaliate when she knew what Elena would do to her body, so she jolted back and forth. She managed to free her arm from Elena's grasp, which made Elena get a headache.

Elena tried to catch her, but Freyr always knew how to read Elena's movement with her super sensitive senses.

"Get back here! You brat!" Elena shouted as both of them trashed the living room.

Katya just shook her head and allowed Elena to sort things out.

Before all the furniture broke, Sebastian arrived at the right time and brought a simple dish with the help of two waiters serving food at the table.

"We'd better feed the child first, then the other things will soon follow," said Sebastian.

"Freyr, come here," Elena called, but the girl now hid behind the sofa.

When she saw this, it made Elena even more annoyed, thus she brought a plate of meat sandwiches in front of her.

Whereas Katya chuckled as she recalled how much Freyr looked like when Elena had just come out of the breeding tube a hundred years ago and caused all the employees trouble.

The alluring smell of the grilled meat sandwiches hypnotized Freyr, and this time she started to take a step toward Elena.

"Sit down," Elena ordered, and little Freyr complied.

"Eat it," continued Elena as she cut the sandwich and handed it over.

Freyr sniffed the foreign food for her and tasted the sauce that came out of the side of the bread. After a few tries, her eyes sparkled as she immediately devoured the meat sandwich.

"Oh my gosh, look how messy your eating is," said Elena. She brushed off the sauce stains around her lips.

"T-ha-than K-s-u," Freyr's first words in the earthly language immediately took the whole room by surprise.

Even Elena was even more surprised. The little girl had only spent a few hours with Elena and could already understand their conversation.

"Sebastian, get the examination chamber ready. Fulltime security 24/7, make it soundproof. I want full surveillance until we get to know what this kid is capable of," said Elena while she gazed at Freyr sky-blue eyes.

"Consider it done, Miss Elena," said Sebastian. Then he snapped his finger, and every maid in the room moved out to their respective field.

"Aww, look at you... Playing a mother-hen?" teased Katya as she smiled slyly.

"Just in case, it will be so much hectic if too many people know of her existence. At least for now," replied Elena.