Wrath of the Nightwing

A Dark Elf with awakened powers!

Her black wings spread wide, giving off a terrifying black aura. The look in her eyes made it hard for everyone in front of her to breathe.

"What the hell? An Awakened Dark Elf? Who are you!?" asked Sonya with a frightened face.

"Emma Nightwing, Katyushka's Battle Maid," Emma said calmly but filled the entire room with horror.

Hansen immediately pulled out the gun he was carrying and brandished it with trembling hands.

"What a peashooter can do?" Then, with a flutter of her wings, Emma removed the gun from Hansen's hand.

"You stupid Sonya! How stupid are you to bring a maid of Katyushka here!" said Gordon, holding back the pain in his chest.

"This is all Monetta's idea! I don't know anything!" They all had their backs against the wall, terrified faces.


Emma blew a very strong wind with just one flap of her wings. The cracked walls were suddenly unable to withstand the gusts of wind energy.